Thursday, November 26, 2009

Global Warming Alarmist: Evil and Wrong

A current movie-video by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney gives Al Gore and his alarmist associates the benefit of the doubt about their intentions and integrity by naming their movie “Not Evil Just Wrong”.
The recent release of thousands of emails from the inner circle of Consensus-Alarmists now makes it clear that they are both Evil and Wrong!
Would you buy a used car from two PHD’s that explain their fraudulent work as follows:
In a 1999 e-mail exchange about charts showing climate patterns over the last two millenniums, Phil Jones, a longtime climate researcher at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, said he had used a “trick” employed by another scientist, Michael Mann, to “hide the decline” in temperatures.
Dr. Mann, a professor at Penn State, confirmed in an interview that the e-mail message was real. He said the choice of words by his colleague was poor but noted that scientists often used the word “trick” to refer to a good way to solve a problem, “and not something secret.”
The US Congress and other governments are using the data from these Consensus-Alarmists to impose energy rationing and massive taxes and spending upon the American people. Congress should immediately call hearings into the content of these Emails and demand formal release of all documentation by all the groups upon which our national energy policy is being redirected.
Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, said on Monday the leaked correspondence suggested researchers "cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not,"
Instead of going to Copenhagen to participate in the Global Warming Alarmist Convention, Obama should be calling a summit to bring ALL the scientists together to review the real and valid data that clearly belies the Gore-Hypothesis that humans have caused our 250 years of natural global warming that began in 1750, at the end of the little ice age.
One degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the past 10 years does not represent a global warming crisis that is clearly not man-made.
Our energy dependence on our enemies is the crisis and our government has not implemented plans for any change to that dependence.
A summary of valid global warming facts and references may be found at:

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