Sunday, November 22, 2009

ObamaCare Part 2

Roanoke Times, 11-21-09, Pg 1 & 18: GOP: Health test recommendations could affect care.
ObamaCare Part 0: Take a Pain Pill
There is the Presidents direct statement at a recorded public meeting to a lady that her mother should have a pain pill instead of a heart defibrillator because senior care is taking up to much of the Medicare budget.
ObamaCare Part 1: Total malfeasance of responsibilities for H1N1 vaccine.
Over 1000 Americans including 100 children have died from H1N1.The government now HOPES to have 50 million does of vaccine by mid-November(A FRACTION OF THE REQUIRED AND PROMISED AMOUNT).
ObamaCare Part 2: Delay Mammograms and Pap smears to “later” (perhaps too late!)
The white house denies that their medical panels will determine covered and paid procedures. More white house and democrat lies. The legislation specifically states that medical coverage will be determined by just exactly such panels.
I personally asked Congressman Pierriello at his Rocky Mount, Va town meeting:Where is the list of Medicare service reductions and eliminations that will result from the $500 Billion reduction in the Medicare budget at the very time millions of baby-boomers are entering the system.His answer: “That will not be published until after the law is passed and determined by medical panels.”What a gross and obscene process and procedure and insult to all Americans!
The personal-best democrat obscene comment on the government health panels:
“Insurance companies may use this new recommendation as yet another reason to deny women coverage for mammograms” Democrat Sen Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.
Hello! It’s a federal government panel!
They are setting the service standard for the United States of America!
This is not being done by insurance companies!
And by the way, health insurance company’s profits are at the 2% level!
Coming Attractions in the ObamaCare, PelosiCare, ReidCare Bills
Massive new government spending and debt
Massive new personal spending on premiums and co-pay and bills
Major reductions and elimination of medical service
Coverage of over 12 million illegal immigrants
Tax paid elective abortions
Prohibition for individuals to purchase medical services with their own assets.
(That's why Canadian snow-birds have major health care procedures done using their own money while they are in Florida)
Fines and penalties for businesses and individual deemed not to be in-compliance.
This is progress? This is the hope and change we voted for?

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