Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bats Dying By The Millions – Why Stop the Wind Turbines?

Roanoke Times, 1-18-12, Pg 5:White Nose Syndrome has killed 5.7 million bats.
A cave located at a former mine in Rosendale was among the sites of the most devastating cases of the white nose syndrome. About 97 percent of the Indian bats there died off in one year, according to results of a study released Wednesday.
DEC bat expert Alan Hicks said the overall bat die-off is the quickest and most devastating for any animal in North America this century.
The Rosendale NY mine-caves have historical significance starting in 1825. The natural cement discovered there was of such high quality that it was used in many of the major construction projects in NY including the Empire State Building. It’s strange that 185 years after its beginning, the mines should spawn this bat pandemic.
With 5.7 million bats dead from a natural pandemic one wonders why Wind Turbines are being shut-down at night to prevent a tiny fraction of one percent from impacts with turbine blades. Is there a problem in our society with the concept “reasonable and prudent”?
Apparently so because a Federal Judge in North Dakota rebuked Obama’s so called Justice Department who filed “criminal charges” against an Oil and Gas company because six (6) mallard ducks died in oil pits on their property. The Judge noted in his decision that the government’s position yielded absurd results in which many everyday activities become unlawful and subject to criminal sanctions.
The court noted that among the potential felonious bird-killing habits are cutting brush and trees, planting and harvesting crops, driving a vehicle, owning a building with windows and owning a cat. The court noted that cats kill hundreds of million of birds each year and cars kill 60 million, while windows kill hundreds of millions more.
Clearly Obama did not appoint this judge to the bench but he did appoint the prosecutors (persecutors) who brought these charges to court!
Do we pay these people?  Do we really pay these people to represent us?

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