Thursday, August 19, 2010

Space Workshop in Visegrád, Hungary

Now, please find below the pre-preliminary concept of the event (please note, the official preliminary program will be released by HUNSPACE next Wednesday)

Space Workshop  organised by HUNSPACE and HUNAGI 
Please note, the primary aim of this workshop is to provide assistance for the Hungarian SMEs to find their way toward ESA/EC projects based on sharing experiences and lessons learned.
Date: 23-26 September 
Venue: Thermal Hotel, Visegrad. Group room prices are available. For more information please contact Ms. Melinda Minkó, coordinator of HUNSPACE melinda.minko (at)

Structure and Sessions
Sept 23 
10 am-12 am Opening session with welcome speeches given by high level governmental decision makers, the director of Space Office and  by a Hungarian EP member (tbc).
2 pm -7:30 pm  GI-related business and cooperation opportunities on the European scene. GI means in this context Earth Observation and GNSS supported solutions, applications and services. 
Presentations in the context delivered by any HUNAGI member or  partner organisation highlighting lessons learned and/or   experiences of best practices  could be adequate contribution to the Workshop participants.
Sept 24 Infoday on selected relevant topics for SMEs including ESA's procurement issues, CNES - STAVE  programme, opportunities in FP7 Space as well as in EUMETSAT, GMES (tbc) with international speakers. The session will be closed by highlighting a Hungarian contribution by ADMATIS Ltd.
Sept 25 Awareness & Strategy Workshop for the participants (incl. the Hungarian Aerospace Industry Association and  HUNAGI) orchestrated by the German Company Hildemann & Partners
8:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sept 26 How to write an ESA tender? Workshop orchestrated by the Hungarian SME ADMATIS Ltd.
8 am - 2 pm

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