Men, 2010

Trousers, 2010

Motorway, 2010

Crane, 2010

Tunnel, 2010

Hilary and her nephew and niece
Since it opened two years ago, Raven Row has been presenting the most interesting programme of exhibitions in London for a long time - I've wanted to blog about it for a while, but their openings are always so full that it's impossible to photograph, and I never seem to find the time to go back. In what Raven Row has succeeded, is in presenting an intelligent, well thought exhibition programme, showing artists which have been normally ignored by the institutions, and in not being a franchise of commercial galleries as most medium size institutions in London are (most medium size institutions have been more preoccupied in expanding their spaces and in attracting new funding and patrons, and in pleasing their patrons by exhibiting art that these patrons will like or already collect, than in doing interesting exhibitions). Although Raven Row is supported by art patron Alex Sainsbury, it differs from other collector spaces in London and elsewhere that it doesn't exhibit the collectors collection or ego, but in that it rather presents an intelligent and radical selection of art and artists, something seen very rarely in public or private art spaces.
Press Release:
Hilary Lloyd
25 November 2010 to 6 February 2011
Hilary Lloyd makes images using video, slides and photography. She includes the equipment used to show these still and moving images as part of the work, which consequently inhabits space like sculpture. Lloyd has made new work for precise arrangement within Raven Row's distinctive galleries. She has been preparing for this show for over three years, watching Raven Row emerge from its construction site.
Lloyd's camera acts like her eye, and her gaze is exacting and intense. She allows her subjects to perform for the camera, even if they are inert, such as the humdrum views of foreign cities, fashion magazines and road works that are her subjects for this exhibition.
Lloyd was born in Halifax, UK, in 1964, and lives in London. This will be her first large-scale exhibition in London for ten years. Large exhibitions of her work have been held at Munich Kunstverein (2006), and Chisenhale Gallery, London (1999). She has also made solo presentations at Tramway, Glasgow, and Le Consortium, Dijon (both 2009), as well as at the two galleries which represent her, Galerie Neu, Berlin (2010 and 2007), and Sadie Coles HQ, London (2008). In 2011 she will make a solo exhibition for Artists Space, New York.
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