Esther Planas and bouncer outside Bistrotheque

Lady Jonjo at the decks

Luis Venegas (to the right) and dj friend

Rori Thompson and Jonathan Saunders

furniture designer Philippe Malouin with Acne designer Christoffer Lundman

Stephane Carcy

young couple kissing

Ricardito Fumanal

and leyend Lavinia Co-op afterwards at the Joiners
Madrid-based editor and publisher Luis Venegas is renowned for his publications Fanzine 137, EY! Magateen and Candy Magazine. Teaming up with Acne, Venegas has created a collection of shirts that take inspiration from "the transgender and cross-dressing" which inspire his magazine Candy.
Named after characters from Dynasty, Venegas’s favourite TV series, each shirt carries both masculine and feminine elements, and are made of silk crepe or Italian denim. Big sleeves decorate 'Krystle', 'Sammy Jo' features subtle ruffles at the neck and 'Alexis', comes aptly equipped with a large bow.
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