Thursday, March 31, 2011
Reminder: Shonda Buchanan, Linda Carter Brown and Barbara Hantman at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat., 4/2 at 2:30 p.m.
Poetry Grows in Brooklyn Heights
The Brownstone Poets presents:
Shonda Buchanan, Linda Carter Brown and Barbara Hantman
Saturday, April 2 at 2:30 p.m.
Park Plaza Restaurant
220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St. & Pineapple Walk
Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 718 – 596 – 5900
Take the A or C to High Street, 2 or 3 to Clark Street,
$3 Donation – plus Food/Drink - Open Mic
Shonda Buchanan is a recipient of the Eloise Klein-Healy Scholarship, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and several Virginia Foundation for the Humanities grants. Ms. Buchanan is a Sundance Institute fellow and a PEN Center Emerging Voice fellow. She has freelanced for the Los Angeles Times, and as a poet and essayist, published in Step into a World: A Global Anthology of New Black Literature, Def Jam Poetry’s Bum Rush the Page, Geography of Rage: Remembering the Los Angeles Riots of 1992 and Indian Country Today. Editor of Voices from Leimert Park: A Poetry Anthology, she is working on a second collection of poetry, a memoir and a novel. Of the North Carolina Indian and Choctaw Mississippi Nations, she is a board member of the Poetry Society of Virginia and the Weyanoke Association, which educates the public on the shared heritage of African Americans and Indigenous Americans. Ms. Buchanan is an assistant professor in the Dept. of English at Hampton University, teaching creative writing. For more info, visit
Linda Carter Brown is a transplanted southerner with her feet planted deeply in the sidewalks of New York City. She begin to write poetry at the age of forty after a friend suggested she take a writing class as she always went for the pen and paper whenever she had something to say. She lives in Queens and is a member of the Fresh Meadows Poets. Linda works as an administrative assistant in a private school in NYC and teaches poetry to first, second and third grade students. Helping children to realize their feelings and thoughts and to get them from the mind, to the hand to paper is rewarding and exciting.
Barbara Hantman has served the NYC public schools for over twenty years. She is proud to be Fresh Meadows Poets'Corresponding Secretary. Her credits include four volumes with Edwin Mellen Poetry Press (Capullos Del Alma: Soul Buds is fully bilingual in Spanish and English) and two books with Xlibris (the most recent one, Call of Abraham’s Kin, focuses on Jewish themes and has some Hebrew and Spanish bilingual verse; access excerpts at'skin.html). She has also published in such journals as Midstream, Poetica, The Deronda Review, Mobius the Poetry Magazine, Conceit, Freshet and Women In Judaism. She has placed in poetry contests at the New York Poetry Forum, and won first prize for her poem "The Velvet Toolbox" in the Lone Stars Magazine Winter 2009-10 contest.
One Direction FanFiction Part 13 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours
Part 13 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours ♥
Recap: He just pulled me closer. I knew he felt the same way. I didn’t knew if I could stay strong enough to continue like that. I didn’t knew if I had enough strength to come back next week and say goodbye again after 2 days.
‘I don’t want to go’, Han said and looked to the ground.
I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. ‘Only 5 days babe’
‘I know’ , she whispered.
Petek and Marie had already said goodbye to us and started to head to the gate now.
‘You need to go hun’, I said
‘I’ll miss you’ she said and looked up to me before turning around.
‘I’ll miss you more’, I said
She started to walk towards the gate. Wait. No kiss. No goodbye?
After 10 meters Hannah stopped walking, turned around and ran back to me. She raised herself on tiptoes to reach my mouth and kissed me.
‘This just adds insult of injury’ Han said and looked up to me.
‘But it was worth it’ I smiled. ‘you’ll be fine babe. concentrate on school. Just 5 days.’
Han kissed me one last time before running towards the gate. She didn’t turn around again. I think it really hurt her.
I gazed after her till I couldn’t see her. I could still smack her Strawberry lipgloss but that wouldn’t last for 5 days.
‘So youre like..famous in England now’ I asked
‘hahaa no I don’t think so. I’m not officially dating him’ han answered
We were running through the Gym. Woah how I loved PE lessons in the early morning -.-
‘I would call someone famous who has 28 thousand followers and is only following 80’ I laughed
‘well. I don’t know how the fans found out about harry and me. he @ mentioned me in summer holidays but that was just 1 single tweet. There aren’t any photos of us together yet i think.’
‘hm. You know how fans are’
‘yeah sure I do. We knew everything about justin bieber. Haha’
‘and how are you gonna make this work. I mean. Did you already thought about that?’ I asked
Her boyfriend, or maybe not yet boyfriend but the person she was in love with lived hundreds of kilometers away and was going to be a superstar. It wouldn’t be easy for them.
‘actually I didn’t. I have no idea. I can’t fly to England every weekend. I don’t know what to do with my homework and stuff.’
‘yeah sure. And what are you going to do after the x factor. I mean..maybe they’ll tour and stuff. Do you want it to be a weekend relationship or something like that?’
‘I haven’t thought about that yet. I .. I don’t know. It’s killing me to be apart from him for 5 days. I don’t know how I’ll manage it when he’ll go on tour or something.’
‘I haven’t thought about that yet. I .. I don’t know. It’s killing me to be apart from him for 5 days. I don’t know how I’ll manage it when he’ll go on tour or something.’
‘Any plans for today?’, Sam asked me.
We were on our way to the bus stop. Sam was my best friend, I’ve known him for only 1 year now but we were very close.
‘I have to pack my things for the weekend again’, I replied. ‘aaand I have to learn for maths.’
‘oh right you’re flying to London again. Oh. Maths exam tomorrow. Haha I forgot about that.’ He replied
‘packing wont take me that long. Maybe you can come to mine and help me a bit with maths’ I said
‘yeah sure. I’m going to meet Jessy for about an hour but I can come to yours after that’, he replied
‘okay fine’ I said and we got on the bus.
Jessy was Sam’s girlfriend. They were together for 6 weeks now. I didn’t like her. It wasn’t because she was going out with him, I was fine with that , he was my best friend and nothing else. But everyone knew how jessy was. She was a biatch and I didn’t want Sam to get hurt.
We got of the bus and walked down the road. When we reached my house Sam hugged me and said goodbye.
I unlocked the door and got in. ‘anybody at home?’ I shouted but there was no reply.
There was a note on the shoe cabinet. It read:
Hey sweetheart. Marie’s at Sina’s, I’m on the golfcourse and dad’s in a meeting.
We’ll all be back around 8pm. Don’t forget to pack your bags for London.
Kisses Mum
I got up, into my room and turned on the computer. After I’d packed my bag I sat down and checked my notifications on facebook. Noone had found out what my name was so my facebook was still normal. I checked my @ mentions on twitter but decided not to write back anyone. I didn’t want to lie to any of onedirection’s fans but I wasn’t allowed to tell the truth.
I just tweeted:
‘ just got home from school. Thanks god, Sam will help me with Maths today x’
It was funny how the English ppl weren’t getting what I was tweeting when I texted peet or someone because it was in german. There were a lot of ppl who translated it but it still amused me so I tweeted:
@PetekChick ‘peeti alles gut bei dir? Wie siehts mit mathe aus? Sam hilft mir gleich bisschen. Meld dich :*‘
I read some of my mentions and followed back a few people.
Suddenly my timeline went crazy.
@Harry_Styles ‘Get well soon babe’
@Harry_Styles ‘Hope you can perform on Saturday’
@Harry_Styles ‘oooh no hun. Hope you feel better soon’
@Harry_Styles ‘oooh no hun. Hope you feel better soon’
My heart stopped beating for a second. What happened to him? I had a look at his profile but he hadn’t tweeted anything. I got out my phone and dialed his number.
I texted him: ‘Harry what happened? You okay? I’m worried’
Why did the people on twitter knew how he felt and I didn’t.
The door bell rang and I went downstairs to let Sam in.
‘you okay?’ he asked
‘eeeeeh..yeah why?’
‘You don’t look too good’
‘it’s just..’
I told him about the tweets and about harry not picking up his phone
My girlfriends Jana, Julia and Anna were the only ones who knew about the whole xfactor , London, 1D thing. And Sam was the only boy who knew about it. I hadn’t told anyone in school and no one from my school had twitter so everyone thought Pet’s and my lifes were normal. We acted normal , went to school, did our homework, wrote exams, had training. Nothing special. A few people wondered why we hadn’t been at any parties during the last weeks, because normally there was a party every weekend and we always went there. We just told them school was keeping us busy and stuff. My life was good the way it was and I had no notion to tell anyone about the onedirection , or weekend trips to London or about my harry soon.
‘Maybe you should call Peet. Maybe Liam will pick up his phone’
I nodded and dialed Peets number.
‘heey peet. What time did you get the last text from liam?’ I asked
‘eeeh this morning. why? What happened?’
‘check your twitter timeline’ I said.
‘okay wait a second…’
She read out loud a few tweets.
‘Harry didnt pick up his for or texted back . I’m worried peet.’
‘wait a minute babe. I’ll try and phone liam. talk to you in a minute’ she said and hang up.
I sat down on my bed and stare into space.
‘You okay?’sam asked, sat down on the bed and put his arm around me.
‘Lets start with maths’ I just said
I couldn’t concentrate on anything but sam tried his best. After 15 minutes my phone vibrated. I jumped up, ran to my bed and answered it.
- ‘peet?’
- ‘yeah it’s me. Liam didn’t pick up his phone either. I’m wondering how the fans know about it. The boys didn’t tweet anything.’
- ‘same here. But we cant ask a fan. The crew that we’re not allowed to tweet anything that has something to do with the boys.’
- ‘I know. I think we just have to wait.’
- ‘okay. call me if you get to know something’ I said
- ‘yeah sure. I will’ she answered and hang up.
So sorry guys, but i'm soo busy at the moment. petek, marie and i met justin bieber (meet&greet & concert) on 26.3.2011 and had the best time :) petek and i met him again(meet&greet again) yesterday, 30.3.2011 and we'll hopefully see him again on saturday in BERLIN :)
Next week petek and i have to study for three freaking exams, german, spanish and biology. i'll try my best and upload the next part as soon as possible.
give me your feedback please :) much love hanhan ♥
RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liams bff: @gmortlockkk
nialls bff: @lyannejones
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Em Assembleia realizada no dia 29/03, no pátio da Assembleia legislativa de Minas Gerais em Belo Horizonte milhares de Trabalhadores em Educação aprovaram o indicativo de greve como forma de pressionar o governo a atender as demandas da categoria.
A próxima assembleia ficou marcada para o dia 19 de abril em Ouro Preto. A necessidade de pressionar o governo se dá mediante a constatação de que não tem avançado o processo de negociação com a Secretára Estadual de Educação. Apesar de três reuniões realizadas esse ano, as demandsas não estão sendo atendidas.
Além disso, ainda está muito confuso a implementação da Lei Estadual que instituiu o pagamento dos servidores por meio de subsídio. Segundo Beatriz Cerqueira, coordenadora Estadual do Sindicato, uma pauta com mais de 50 itens já foi entregue a Secretaria Ana Lúcia Gazzola e até agora somente a eleição para diretores de escola foi normatizada.
Ao participar dessa Assembleia em BH, pudemos perceber a disposição da categoria em voltar para as ruas em um movimento grevista igual ou maior do que o do ano passado, quando os educadores cruzarm os braços por 47 dias. Tudo depende do governo, se atender a pauta não haverá greve, caso contrário os professores e trabalhadores da educação de Minas Gerais mais uma vez paralizarão as atividades.
Fotos: Sandro Carrizo
Fotos: Sandro Carrizo

Laureana Toledo, Delusion, 2011, acrylic on found newspaper posters, (Who is to name our dream- no river, not the rain). Special commission for the exhibition.

Laureana Toledo, Untitled, 2009, two photo collages

Melanie Smith, Pink Tianguis, 2002, C-Print photograph

Melanie Smith, Spiral City 13, 2003, Acrylic on acrylic

Francis Alys, Sunpath, Mexico City, 1999
Four photographs and sunpaths: 01.11.98, 11:10am; 12.11.98, 11:45am; 20.05.99, 5:45pm; 21.05.99, 1:15pm

Francis Alys, Untitled (dog and railings), 2004, Diptych, Oil and encaustic on canvas on wood

Catherine Petitgas, Catherine Lampert and Pablo Leon de la Barra in conversation.
I was invited by the Mexican Embassy in London (for the first time after being here for 14 years), to organize an exhibition and conversation regarding the artistic relationship existing between London and Mexico. I decided to invite curator Catherine Lampert and art patron Catherine Petitgas to participate in a conversation around the topic, and to curate a small informal exhibition within the spaces of the Embassy with some works from the Petitgas collection that could illustrate this ideas. For the conversation I traced a prehistory of exhibition of Mexican arts in London (see previous posts), and presented the work of the artists in the exhibition, while also creating echos with the work of Mexican artists Helen Escobedo in England in the 50s and 2000s and Felipe Ehrenberg in London in the 1970s. Catherine Lampert talked about her work as director of the Whitechapel Gallery from 1988 to 2001, where she was a pioneer of exhibiting non American and non European contemporary art, including the work of Francis Alys, Francisco Toledo and David Alfaro Siqueiros. Catherine Petitgas talked about her exemplary labour as a patron of Latin American art, and about how she began to collect art from Mexico. Afterwards artist Laureana Toledo discussed the work she has been developing during the last three years in England, while demanding the need of friendly artists visas for artists visiting the UK. We also discussed the urgent need to create an independent and bilateral programme for the support of residencies for artists and the visits of curators from London to Mexico and from Mexico to London.
Obama’s School Policy – Dumb Them Down Some More
Roanoke Times, 3-29-11, Pg 5: Obama: Standardized tests used to ‘punish’.
Students should take fewer tests, measure students other ways, don’t punish students or schools for failing performance. Find a test that “everyone agrees with”.
Obama should reflect on the “United College Fund’s” advertising slogan”: “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”; instead of kowtowing to the teachers unions and the proponents of mediocrity he should be setting the standard for achievement and accomplishment. Apparently that’s not politically correct for a “community organizer” from Chicago.
Apparently many of those who are responsible for student performance don’t want measurement and accountability. Let’s all just vote on who is mastering the basic courses that are essential to be a productive member of our society.
“We don’t need no stinkin grades to decide who is teaching and who is learning”.
And let’s not measure the schools or the teaching system. Let’s just keep spending $150,000 for each student for K12 and their part-time attendance.
However, when one exits high school there are other tests to be taken in an ever increasing competitive world economy:
Drivers test
College entry tests
Trade school entry tests
Trade licensing tests (plumbers, electricians, carpenters)
Job entry tests for aptitude, skill and knowledge of the job
To name just a few.
Apparently Obama wishes to eliminate these too, after all, these “standardized” tests are just used to “punish” and why would your Doctor ever need to pass a test anyway?
Once again Obama is proving to be a huge disappointment and embarrassment to all the intelligent people who voted for and supported him. Talk about your break-down in the election “truth in advertising” process! However, the Editors of the Roanoke Times are in lock-step with Obama and associates and doing all they can to perpetuate his misdirection and wrong-headed policies. They consider this to be part of their public service activity.
Prior Items:
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools
Too dumb to serve?
Roanoke Times, 3-29-11, Pg 5: Obama: Standardized tests used to ‘punish’.
Students should take fewer tests, measure students other ways, don’t punish students or schools for failing performance. Find a test that “everyone agrees with”.
Obama should reflect on the “United College Fund’s” advertising slogan”: “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”; instead of kowtowing to the teachers unions and the proponents of mediocrity he should be setting the standard for achievement and accomplishment. Apparently that’s not politically correct for a “community organizer” from Chicago.
Apparently many of those who are responsible for student performance don’t want measurement and accountability. Let’s all just vote on who is mastering the basic courses that are essential to be a productive member of our society.
“We don’t need no stinkin grades to decide who is teaching and who is learning”.
And let’s not measure the schools or the teaching system. Let’s just keep spending $150,000 for each student for K12 and their part-time attendance.
However, when one exits high school there are other tests to be taken in an ever increasing competitive world economy:
Drivers test
College entry tests
Trade school entry tests
Trade licensing tests (plumbers, electricians, carpenters)
Job entry tests for aptitude, skill and knowledge of the job
To name just a few.
Apparently Obama wishes to eliminate these too, after all, these “standardized” tests are just used to “punish” and why would your Doctor ever need to pass a test anyway?
Once again Obama is proving to be a huge disappointment and embarrassment to all the intelligent people who voted for and supported him. Talk about your break-down in the election “truth in advertising” process! However, the Editors of the Roanoke Times are in lock-step with Obama and associates and doing all they can to perpetuate his misdirection and wrong-headed policies. They consider this to be part of their public service activity.
Prior Items:
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools
Too dumb to serve?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mexican Art: from 1500 BC to the Present Day
Tate Gallery
4 March – 26 April 1953
Mexican art, throughout history, and in all its forms, has sprung from the same creative force. From the archaic Indian civilisations to modern times, it was always closely related to the life and spirit of the people. This exhibition has been arranged in chronological order, and special emphasis has been laid on the important aspects of each period. It is divided into four major sections: pre-Columbian, colonial, modern and contemporary, and popular. Each of these sections contains works of the greatest artistic importance, as well as examples of what are known as the ‘minor arts’.
Under the general term, Pre-Columbian art, is collected the art of all those peoples who inhabited Mexico before the arrival of European culture. All over the country are to be found buildings by great architects, cities with magnificent religious monuments, such as the pyramids, temples, palaces and tombs, containing sculpture and mural painting.The finely wrought gold objects, the engraved and carved jade, obsidian and rock crystal, the turquoise jewellery and the magnificent plumed ornaments, are proofs of the richness of Mexican personal attire.
Colonial art is the art of New Spain, as Mexico was called during the three centuries of Spanish domination. It should not be confused with Spanish art, as it resulted rather from the combination of the two cultures, the native and the European.
Baroque, sober and restrained in its inception, reached its apogee in the eighteenth century in a grandiose art of extraordinary wealth and splendour, exemplified in hundreds of churches, exuberantly carved stone façades and altarpieces (retablos).
The gilded altar shown in this exhibition comes from the disused convent of Tepotzotlán in the State of Mexico, and is one of the finest examples of Mexican baroque; it is, however, only the smallest of the ten possessed by the convent. It has been moved for the first time from its site, so as to give some idea of the unique wealth of this art.
Modern Mexican art started with the neo-classical movement, which came at the end of the colonial period and during the struggle for national independence.
The finest work of this period are the paintings of the great landscape artist, José Maria Velasco, some of which are included here. Though his technique was in the European tradition, his very personal conception of nature helped to rediscover our land and our valleys, which he depicted with poetic feeling and a panoramic sense of great spaces.
Another art, which flourished in the nineteenth century, grew up at the same time as, but independently from, the academic movement. Local artists in various parts of Mexico expressed themselves naively, but with charm and surprising vigour.The work of artists such as José Maria Estrada and Hermenegildo Bustos, with many other anonymous painters, confirms the artistic value of this movement, which reveals intimate aspects of Mexican life, and has its roots deeply embedded in an old popular tradition.
Mention should also be made of the exquisite fantasies of Frida Kahlo, and the poetically expressive work of Manuel Rodriguez Lozano. The paintings of Guillermo Meza are characterised by imagination, and those of Guerrero Galván by human tenderness. Maria Izquierdo’s pictures have an immediate appeal.
The section devoted to popular art is a magical explosion of shapes and colours.
Mexican folk art expresses the essence of Mexican people: great variety of objects can be found here from many parts of the country, each with its own technique, and each disclosing the personality of the craftsman, but all expressive of the same spirit and knowledge of form which give a unity to the collection.
Fernando Gamboa
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