Part 10 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours ♥
‘yeah sure babe its in the bathroom’, peet replied
We were in the girls hotel room getting ready for the xfactor show. I still couldn’t believe I would see my sweet Niall performing on this huge stage infront of so many people and neither could the girls.
I did my make up and curled my hair a bit.
‘I don’t know which dress I shall wear’, peet said
‘Let me have a look’, I answered and walked into her room.
‘I’d wear the black one’, I said and she smiled. ‘thanks babe.’
After everyone was ready we walked downstairs to get into the taxi. Han, Peet, Hol and Marie looked beautiful. Han wore a short red dress with black heels. Peet wore her black dress with matching heels, Hol wore a gabriella montez dress which looked wonderful on her, with cream-coloured heels , Marie wore a black dress with a pink belt and black heels and I wore a grey dress with pink heels.

Han opened the door and we walked in. Harry sat on the small couch with the girl, he had talked to yesterday aswell. I think her name was Louisa but I’m not quite sure.
Liam and Zayn sat at the table with two other girls, one of them had long dark brown wavy hair and the other one had . long dark brown straight hair. Louis stood in the middle of the room talking to a pretty tall girl with brown, long hair. Niall wasn’t in the room.

‘Hello?!’, Hannah said annoyed. The boys turned around and smiled.
Harry stood up, walked over to us and hugged Han.
‘You look beautiful’, he said and kissed her gently.
‘Thanks’, she said and looked into his eyes. Harry took her hand and walked towards the door. ‘we’ll be back soon’, he said to us, turned around for a sec to wink at Louisa. She smiled and Harry & Han left the room.
Louis and Hol were sitting on the couch now making out. Marie sat down at the table next to zayn and the other girl. Peet was leaned against the wall with her back, Liam stood infront of her and they were kissing.
I was standing alone in the middle of the room. Awkward moment.
Louisa and the other girl came over to me. ‘heey. You’re Megan right?!’, she smiled
‘yeah I am. And youuuu’re…Louisa?’, I asked
‘haha yeah’, she answered. ‘and this is Laura’.
We talked for a bit and Laura said that she was Louis best friend and stuff.
Suddenly the door flung open and Niall walked in with a pretty girl in his arm. They both laughed loudly. My mouth dropped open. Niall looked at me smiling.
‘Baaaabe. I’m so glad you’re here. Im super nervous.’, he said and hugged me.
I pulled away. ‘well seems like you found someone who diverts you.’, I said pissed and looked at the girl who was still smiling.
‘I what?’, Niall asked. He looked at the girl. ‘you think..haha noo babe theres nothing going on between us. Lyanne is my best friend from home.’
The girl walked towards me and hugged me. ‘I’m Lyanne and I promise you..Niall is yours. I know him for ages now and I would never fall in love with him. he’s like my brother’.
‘oh. Sorry for being bitchy then’, I said and smiled at her.
Niall came over to me and kissed me gently. ‘I’m all yours’ he whispered.
'where are we going', i asked a bit worried. i had no idea where he was taking me. Maybe it had to do something with that blond girl he was talking to and smiling at in the dressing room. Maybe he had to tell me bad news .but why was he smiling then?
'wait and see babe', he smiled. We climed the stairs and he opened a small door.
'close your eyes', he whispered and took both of my hand'
'eeeh okay', i laughed. I closed my eyes and he led me. I felt the cold air. He stopped walking.
'okay han. open your eyes.'
I opened my eyes and looked around.
'where are we going', i asked a bit worried. i had no idea where he was taking me. Maybe it had to do something with that blond girl he was talking to and smiling at in the dressing room. Maybe he had to tell me bad news .but why was he smiling then?
'wait and see babe', he smiled. We climed the stairs and he opened a small door.
'close your eyes', he whispered and took both of my hand'
'eeeh okay', i laughed. I closed my eyes and he led me. I felt the cold air. He stopped walking.
'okay han. open your eyes.'
I opened my eyes and looked around.
we were standing on the roof of the studios.
There were a few candles and a blanket.
I turned to face Harry

He let go and looked into my eyes. 'when you wouldnt answer your phone and wouldnt text back it made me feel like..i don't know. something was missing. i felt uncomplete. and everyday I rememered the day at the beach. and i wanted to relive it again and again. so i thought, because we dont have time for a long car drive now, this would be romantiv too.', he smiled.
I couldnt say anything. I raised myself on tiptoes to reach his mouth and pressed my lips on his for a second. He put his hand in my hair and kissed me again. we stood on the room. above everyone and everything, looked into eachothers eyes and smiled. I put my forehead against his and our lips nearly touched again. i could feel his warm breath, his warm hands on my waist. The moment was perfect. My life was perfect. He was perfect.
Liam and I had been outside for half an hour. he was a bit nervous so we decided to go out get some fresh air. When we entered the studios again, we saw Hannah and Harry walking towards the dressing room.
'aww where have you two lovebirds been', i smiled
'haha same question to you sis', hannah laughed
we headed to the dressing room where we found the girls and boys. Lyanne, Laura, Georgia and Leah had left 1 hour ago to get changed in their hotels. Liam had told me abit about the girls. Lyanne was Niall’s best friend, Laura Louis’ , Georgia Liam's and Leah Zayn's. I liked Gerogia and had no problem with her beeing close to Liam. I trusted him and knew that he would never cheat on me.
Louis and Hol were still sitting on the couch making out and it looked like they wouldnt stop before the show starts.
Niall and Megan sat on the other bigger couch talking and laughing.
I turned around to look where marie was. she was sitting at the table with zayn. I couldnt believe what i saw. her hand was lying on his and she smiled at him. Haha. she was looking for someone who took it serious? no flirtys anymore? haha didnt seem so. Hannah looked surprised to, shook her head and laughed a bit.
Louisa, i think that was her name, was still in the room. she was sitting on a chair in one of the corners looking at her phone sadly. Harry looked at her, released hannah and walked over to louisa.
Hannah looked at me confused and a bit shocked. i gave her a 'dont worry' gaze, turned to liam who started kissing me again.
Hannah walked over to the table and sat down next to marie. Liam and i just stood in the middle of the room kissing.
Suddenly the door flung open and Simon walked in.
' boys, the show starts in about 30 minutes. you should get ready now. nice to meet you girls by the way', he smiled
'nice to meet you too' we all said
'see you in 20 minutes guys.', he said and left.
Zayn stood up. 'i think we should go get ready now boys.', he said.
'you can do that infront of me if you want to lovely', marie laughed.
'haha cheeky for a 14 year old', zayn said and hugged her dearly.
Harry stood up and walked over to Hannah.
'babe', he said. 'can you do me a favour?'
'depends on what it is. maybe she can do it for you', hannah said and pointed to louisa who was looking at her phone again.
'what?', harry asked and looked confused. 'it has to do something with her. can you look after her a bit. her boyfriend just broke up with her and she's really gutted.'
'her boyfriend', hannah said
'yes her boyfriend.' harry replied.
'so she's single now.'
'seems so. wheres the problem. if you don't want to help me i ask someone else. but my mam's not here yet and i dont want her to be alone now.'
'looks like you care about her much dont you?', han asked a bit pissed
'hannah where's your problem. of course i do. shes my sister.'
'shes your what?'
'my sister.', harry answered 'you didnt think i..han i would never cheat on you'
'I'm sorry. i know you wouldnt'

Liam kissed me and turned around to face the boys.
'alright guys. we should really get ready now'
Hol kissed Louis goodbye, and so did Niall & meg. Zayn hugged Marie again and smiled at her.
'see you later princess', he said
'see you later superstar'
Harry and Hannah kissed passionately before Hannah walked over to Louisa and said something to her. She stood up and followed us. We left the room. The show would start in about 20 minutes. My Harry would perform in front of massive audience. But I knew he could do it. I had never heard him sing before but i believed in him anyway.
The girls ran into the dressing room and Hannah flung her arms around my neck.
'You were amazing', she smiled.
She looked so beautiful in her short red dress. I kissed her. And I didn’t want to stop. She pulled away.
'What time do you have to be back at the contestants' house?', she asked and smiled cheeky.
'haha I don’t know. what do you wanna do?’ I replied
'just spend time with you', she said before kissing me again.
'Han I like your idea', peet said. 'Let's go back to the hotel and chill in our room a bit.'
everybody agreed so we said goodbye to our families and left the studios. Hannah had been so attentive to Louisa and she felt way better now. She would spend the rest of the day with mum.
We took 2 cabs and arrived at the girls’ hotel 20 minutes later.
'haha I don’t know. what do you wanna do?’ I replied
'just spend time with you', she said before kissing me again.
'Han I like your idea', peet said. 'Let's go back to the hotel and chill in our room a bit.'
everybody agreed so we said goodbye to our families and left the studios. Hannah had been so attentive to Louisa and she felt way better now. She would spend the rest of the day with mum.
We took 2 cabs and arrived at the girls’ hotel 20 minutes later.
We headed to their room and sat down on the couches.
Han and Peet went into the kitchen and came back with 2 six packs beer and a bottle with vodka and cola.
Han sat down on my Lap. She still wore her red dress and looked wonderful.
He all talking and drank. After 1 hour, all the bottles and stuff were empty.
‘I’ll go get something to drink’, han said. ‘There’s a kiosk next to the hotel’
She stood up but I grabbed her hand. ‘I come with you babe. It’s dark and late. I won’t let you go alone.’ I said and stood up too.
‘Sweetie. I’m a big girl. I can do this on my own’, she laughed. ‘and do you want the headline of tomorrows newspaper to be HARRY STYLES BUYS ALCOHOL AT MIDNIGHT AFTER THE XFACTOR SHOW, or something like that?’
‘Hazza, shes right’, Zayn said.
‘yeah but I wont let her go alone.’, i said
‘I go with her’, peet said and stood up.
I kissed Hannah before I sat down again.
‘okay’, I said. ‘but call us if anything happens’
They nodded and walked out of the room.
‘Liam..what time is it?’, I asked worried.
’00:50’, he answered. ‘Now I start to get worried too’
‘we should call them’, I said and dialed Hannah number.
‘she doesn’t pick up her phone’, I said and stood up. ‘we have to go look for them’
Liam stood up too. ‘okay guys you wait here. We’ll be back as soon as we found em’
‘okay guys. Call us if something’s wrong’, Louis said
We stormed out of the room and headed to the small kiosk next to the hotel. It was cold and dark outside. When we reached the shop I saw a girl in a red short dress leaning against the wall with her head.
‘han’, I shouted and ran towards her.
‘Harry?’, she turned around and smiled at me.
‘han are you okay?’, I asked worried
‘yeah I’m fine. Peet inside. I felt a bit dizzy and ill so I went out to get some fresh air’, she said and fell back against the wall.
‘sure you’re okay. you’re face is like..white.’
‘I’m okay harry. It’s just because of the alcohol’, she smiled
I took of my jack wills hood. ‘put it on babe. You’re cold’
‘t t thanks sweetie’ she said and kinda fell in my arms.
Liam walked into the shop to look for Peet.
I pushed Hannah against the wall and we kissed passionately.
‘wow babe I like it when your tipsy’, I laughed
Liam and Peet came back hand in hand. Peet seemed a bit tipsy too.
‘what took you so long in there’ I asked laughing
‘We forgot that you have to be 18 to buy alcohol in England. Its different in germany. So we had to wait for a nice old boy who could buy it for us’, she replied laughing too.
We made our way back to the hotel. When we entered the room everybody seemed glad that we were back and that the girls were okay.
We had a few more drinks before Louis asked ‘okay guys. What do we do now?’
‘what about…strip poker?’, zayn laughed
‘eeeeeh I’m in’, marie said.
‘babe you’re 14’, Hannah laughed. ‘but we’re on holiday. I’m in too’
‘so am I’, peet shouted
And the others agreed too. I think Hannah did because she was drunken. She would never do something like that. But I was drunken too, I think everyone was so we wouldn’t know anything anyway tomorrow.
We were sitting on the couch. Hannah and Peet just in her Pants and bra. Marie in a top and Hotpans. Hannah had told her to put that on because she was only 14 and Hannah was her older sister. We all agreed that it would be better for her.
Hol wore a top and panties and My lovely Meg was sitting next to me in a dark red bra and a panties as well. They all looked very hot but I just had eyes for megan.
I was only wearing my jeans, Louis did the same. Liam, Zayn and Harry were just wearing their boxers. Suddenly meg stood up. ‘Come with me baby’, she said and took my hand. I stood up and followed her. The lads winked at me. I had no idea what meg was planning. We walked into maries room and started kissing. We made our way to the bed still kissing and I pushed meg on it. I turned around . she was lying on me and our kissing got more passionated. I kissed her mouth, her cleavage , down to her tummy and up to her lips again. She started to pull out my jeans. She was just wearing her bra and panties I was just wearing my boxers now. I knew what she wanted now and I wanted exactly the same. But I couldn’t. ‘meg’, I whispered.
She wouldn’t stop kissing me. ‘meg’, I said a bit louder.
She looked up at me. ‘did I do something wrong’, she asked a bit worried.
‘no babe. everything is perfect. You are perfect. But its not the perfect moment. I want the first time with you to be special. And we’re both drunken.’
‘you are right.’, she said a bit sad.
She lay down on my chest and closed her eyes.
‘I love you’, I said
I could feel her smiling.
I woke up, lying in Liams arms. We lay on the ground in the living room and I felt quite uncomfortable. I looked at the big watch. It was 9am. Wait. 9am? It was Saturday so the first results would be announced today.
I turned around and kissed liams lips softly. He smiled and opened his eyes slowly. ‘Nice way to wake me up babe. you should do that everyday.’ He said
‘oh my gosh. Its Sunday. I forgot about the xfactor babe. let’s wake up the boys. we need to hurry.’
‘okay I go look for harry and zayn. You look for Louis and niall okay? but try to don’t wake up the girls’
‘sure babe.’, he answered.
I found Hannah lying on the bed. She was just wearing her bra and her panties, harry was just wearing his boxers.
‘Harry’, I whispered. He opened his eyes. ‘you need to go’, I said. ‘Liam and the boys are waiting for you.’
‘I’ll be there in a minute’, he smiled.
I went back into the living room. Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall were already there. I said goodbye to the boys and we arranged to meet around 4pm at the studios.
I sat down on the couch to watch some tv.
After about 10 Minutes Hannah stormed into the room.
‘where is he’, she asked and looked worried.
‘harry?’, I replied
‘yeah harry’, she said.
‘he’s gone. The boys had to leave. Todays Sunday you know babe’
‘oh right.’, she said and sat down slowly.
‘whats wrong han’, I said and looked at her.
‘its nothing. I’m fine’, she said and faked a smile.
‘babe I’m your best friend. I know its not. Tell me’
‘weell. I woke up just wearing my bra and panties and..i don’t know what happened last night. I cant remember anything.’
‘haha too much alcohol babe. same here but I know I few things. We played strip poker and yeah that’s it’, I laughed
‘weell. That might be an explanation. you think we. I mean. Do you think we did it last night’, she asked.
Now I understood what she was thinking.
‘Oh babe. Now I understand you. I don’t know i..can’t remember anything either but..You should ask him.’
‘Well. That’s not as easy as it sounds’, Han said and smiled a bit. Let’s wait and see. He would tell me if we did it, wouldn’t he?’
‘yeah I think so’ I smiled
‘what happened to Marie and zayn last night’, she asked and looked REALLY worried now.
‘haha don’t worry babe. I found them lying next to each other on the bed but your little sis was still wearing her hot pans and top’.
‘puuuuh’, she laughed. ‘mum would kill me . she really would. And I would kill myself before that’
Megan and Hol walked into the room.
‘Morning girls’ Meg mumbled.
‘Morning’, Hol whispered
‘oh gosh girls. Hangover too’, Hannah laughed
‘think so’, Hol replied
‘I don’t know ANYTHING what happened last night’, Meg said
‘hahaha same here’, I said.
‘I hope the boys do. They really have to tell us what happened’, holly laughed
‘Definitely, Hannah replied a bit sad.
RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liams bff: @gmortlockkknialls bff: @lyannejones
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