Roanoke Times, 3-2-11, Pg 1 & 5: Libya rebels have help, but not discipline
Up-beat PAGE-1 article putting a rosy glow on Obama’s fourth war:
Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Now Libya !
Back on Page 5: Obama on political defensive over air assault.
NO Editors of the Roanoke Times, it’s not just an air assault
And buried in the fine print at the end of the Page 5 story is:
“Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va. complained that Americans haven’t been given clear statement of foreign policy, and understanding of who the Libyan rebels are, or a proper presentation of the issue to the public.”
“This isn’t the way our system is supposed to work” Webb said on MSNBC.
Apparently Jim Webb read and agreed with this blog’s Sunday item:
And not to be found in the RT was coverage of the first US F-15 down in Obama’s Libyan War.
Click to enlarge picture:

Just more hope and change we can believe in!
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