Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Direction FanFiction Part 9 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours

 Part 9 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours

‘Ready girls’, Hol shouted
‘I’m ready’, I replied
‘so am I’, peet shouted back
‘me too’, meg replied as well
‘alright then. Shopping time.’ 

We headed to the elevator. Pet had been okay and was allowed to leave the hospital yesterday. Her left arm was broken but she was fine. I had spent the night in the hospital with her. Harry and Liam had had to go cuz there were a few important meetings.

Harry took my hand when we walked out of the hospital. The boys had to go because of some meetings next day. He turned to me and put my head in his hands.
He slowly lent his head towards mine and brushed his lips against mine before kissing me intensely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his on the bottom of my back as we carried on kissing.
‘I cant believe I have to fly back to germany in 3 days’, I said.
‘I promise that we’ll meet again before you fly back.’, he whispered and continued kissing me. I pulled away softly.
‘But Liam said you have a lot of meetings and stuff’, I said a little worried.
‘He’s right but germany is far away Hannah. We wont see eachother for a long while and maybe things will change. I mean who knows how far we’ll get in the competition.’
‘don’t promise something you cant keep.’, I said
‘I will keep it. I always keep my promises.’, he answered and kissed me one last time. The kisses were magic. I forgot everything around me. It just felt right. Flashback over

Megans POV
‘I cant believe you’ll fly back to germany tomorrow.’, I said
‘it feels as if you’ve only just arrived’, hol said
We were sitting on a small table in starbucks.
‘and I cant believe harry and liam had no time for us yesterday.’, peet said
Liam , Harry and Zayn had to do an interview. Louis and Niall had free time so Hol and I spend the day with them. it was amazing again but I felt bad for han and peet. They’d leave tomorrow and would probably not see the boys again. Germany was so far away.
‘harry didn’t text me the whole freaking day’, han said
‘I’m sure he will today.’, hol answered. ‘they have a lot of stress and pressure.’
We left starbucks and went back to the hotel. It was late so we got ready for bed. Hans and peets bags were already packed.
We lay down on the bed again. For the last time.
Peets phone vibrated. She read the text.
‘the boys will come to the airport to say goodbye tomorrow.’, she said and smiled.

There we were. On my bed in my room in germany. Our holiday in London ended up with both of us on the plane crying, in the car crying, at home crying. It was so hard to say good bye to Holly and Megan. We had become very close in this short time. But that wasn’t the only cause we were crying. Liam and Harry hadn’t made it in time. We hadn’t seen them again. Now I was sure that I had just been his summer flirt. He hadn’t kept his promise. He had said that he never breaks any promises but he did.

Peet decided to spend the rest of the holidays at mine because she couldn’t go swimming or something like that in Turkey anyway because of her arm. My mum was shocked when she saw us at the airport. Peet with her huge cast and both of us with red eyes. we told her about everything and she said: ‘that’s what happens when you date a superstar.’

After we unpacked our things we sat down on my bed, peet with her mac and me with my netbook. I signed in twitter and was shocked. I had 27,000 followers and thousands of @ mentions.
‘Oh my gosh’ I said.
‘what happened’, peet asked
‘go on twitter and log in’ I replied
‘what the fuck’, she shouted
‘I cant believe that. All because of…’
‘one direction’, peet finished my sentence.
My @ mentions read:

‘are you dating @harrystyles’
‘oh my gosh can you please RT, or tweet me’
‘follow me please’
‘Stay away from harry’
‘Hazza is mine’

‘gooosh’, I said. ‘I’m scared. This girls are like crazy’
‘haha same here’, peet answered. ‘they are obsessed. Some of them try to become friends and some threaten me’, she laughed
‘I’m just wondering how they found out about our accounts.’ I mumbled
‘wait a second.’, peet said
She typed something in. ‘heere you go’, she said and I looked at her screen. It was ‘Harry styles’ profile. The last tweet was:

@HaannahDoe Please look at your phone

‘why did he do that. He’s not allowed to date someone or something. Now the press will now about it and soon the xfactor team will too.’ I said
‘I guess your not just his summer flirt.’, she smiled
‘I wont text him.’ I said and tried to sound convinced. ‘I don’t want to get my hopes up for something or someone that will let me down again. Not after the things that happened in the past. I don’t wanna be hurt anymore. Not again.’ I said
‘its your decision babe. I just know that you were happy when you were with him. he was the only boy in like 12 whole months that made you smile again. But I know he did hurt you. Its your decision. Are you mad if I text back liam. i believe that they tried to come and stuff.’
‘of course im not.’ I said. I tweeted:
‘glad to be home. But I’m already missing ma girls in London @hollymcgowan & @ xmegan_1D ‘
I didn’t want to tweet anything which had to do something with harry or the boys. I just wanted to forget about them. I knew it wouldn’t be easy cuz hol was dating Louis, Meg was dating Niall and it seemed as Peet and Liam were getting along very well again too but I wanted to forget harry.

3 weeks had passed since we got home from London. Hannah and I had spent two if this weeks in Holland. Hans grandparents had a wonderful modern and quit new bungalow near the ocean so we had a great time. Hannah hadn’t took her phone with her and we had no internet there. She had had no contact with Harry for 3 long weeks now and you could see that she was still gutted but she tried to look happy and act normal. We had one more week of holiday until school would start again.
Liam and I were getting along very well again. He apologized and I said that it was okay. It wasn’t official that were were like..going out or something because he wasn’t allowed to have a girlfriend. But I wasn’t his girlfriend anyway at the moment. He texted like every day and he dm’ed me everyday too. My twitter still went crazy but I wouldn’t tweet anyone back except for holly , meg  and han. I followed back a few people to show that I wasn’t mean or something.
‘peet heres a letter for you’, hannnahs mum shouted
‘I’m coming’, I replied and went downstairs. I opened the letter and was shocked.
There were 3 flight tickets and 3 vip passes for the first live show of the xfactor and letter.

‘Heey babe. I hope you’re okay. I missing you so much and want to see you again soon. Our families are invited to come and see the live shows so there are 2 tickets for you and han and one for Marie. You told me you 3 are alone next week so I thought it would be better if you take her with you. I know it won’t be easy so convince Hannah to fly to London again but harry isn’t himself at the moment. He messes up the lyrics and we hadn’t had a laugh since you flew back. You really have to come. I’m not sure if harry can do the live show in this condition. And I need to see you too. The hotel is booked as well. You just have to pack your things and fly to London. DM or phone me.
I miss you. Liam ♥’

I was speechless for a moment. Did he really offer me to fly to London, see him performing live, see him again at all. I couldn’t believe it. But there was one problem.
And that problem was my heart-broken best friend.

Thanks for reading :)) .Hope you liked it. and again..english is not my first language so sorry for the grammar mistakes and stuff :D 

Lots of love Hannah ♥ 

RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥

Liam's Gf :  @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF:  (Marie)
Louis's GF:  (Holly)
Niall's GF: xmegan_1D (Megan)

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