HELLO EVERYONE. THIS IS FLIGHT 235 FROM DÜSSELDORF TO LONDON. THE TIME OF FLIGHT IS 1 HOUR TWENTY MINUTES. THE WEATHER IN LONDON IS RAINY. WE’LL START IN 10 MINUTES. ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT’., the captain announced. We were on the plane on our way to London. It was Friday , 5pm. Hannahs and Maries Mum had picked us up at school to drive us to the airport. I’d see Liam again this weekend. And Hannah would see Harry again. She was quite the whole time. She hadn’t said a word since we had packed our bags yesterday. It had been really hard to convince her to fly to London. I had told her that she could stay at the hotel if she wanted to and wouldn’t had to come with us to the show.
Marie was reading a book and Hannah put her headphones in and leaned her head against the plane window. It was like a déjà-vu. It had been the same 4 weeks ago. But that time, my best friend had been happy and looking forward to the days in London. 4 weeks ago we met the boys without knowing anything about the competition. It had been way easier.
There I was. In London again. Liam had booked the same room in the same hotel again. All the memories. The good ones but also the painful ones came back. I’d known that exactly that would happen. We checked in and unpacked our things. Marie and Petek were getting ready in the bath. They would meet Hol, Meg and the boys at the studios to say hello but I’d stay at the hotel. I didn’t want to see him again. Not today. Maybe never again.
‘you sure you don’t wanna come with us babe’, peet asked a bit worried.
‘yeah I am . I’ll chill out here. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry hun’, I answered.
They left the room and I sat down on the couch n turned on the tv. I switched through the channels. Nothing interesting so I went into our room and laid down on the bed. I grabbed my phone and decided to switch it on. I hadn’t checked my messages for 3 weeks now cuz I didn’t wanted to read his ones.
I had 22 new texts and 35 missed calls.
Most of the calls were from ma gurls..jana, Julia and some from mum and dad. 5 were from him.
5 texts from him, and 3 from an unknown number. I opened the 3 ones at first
Hey han. We need you here. He’s not the same since your gone. Please write back. xx – Louis
Haan. Please come to London. Harry is sorry. It wasn’t his fault at all. It was mine. I was late at the taxi so we didn’t made it in time. xxx - Liam
Hello there german girl. Please come and visit us next weekend. Harry needs you and we need him. much love Zayn
These messages made me feel sick. He felt bad, he hadn’t been happy for 3 weeks now. He had to concentrate on the competition and my stupid behavior stopped him from doing that. I opened his texts:
I’m sorry.
Sorry for not keeping my promise.
We need to talk.
I never wanted to hurt you.
I need to see you.
Tears were running down my cheeks and I closed my eyes.
We arrived at the Studios and Hol & Meg were already waiting infront of the big doors.
‘Heey girls’, they screamed
They both hugged us.
‘nice to meet you’, Meg said.
‘nice to meet you to’, I replied.
We talked for about 5 minutes and went inside. A bodyguard led us to a small room. We went inside and there were Niall and Liam sitting on a couch playing xbox. Liam looked at us and jumped up. He ran towards Peet , picked her up and spinned around. He let her down and they kissed passionately.
‘I missed you’, he whispred
‘I missed you more’, she said and kissed him again.
Megan went over to Niall and sat down on his lap. They had seen eachother like everyday and so had done Louis and Hol. Megan lent over to Niall and kissed him. wait..they already had had their first kiss? Meg hadn’t told us about that. I mean..han and peet told me that meg and niall were the only ones who hadn’t kissed yet. We had to ask her about that later. They stood up and Peet introduced the boys to me.
We went into an other room where we met the rest of the boys. Zayn was sitting in a corner with a girl talking. It looked like more than talking. He had his hand on her lap and their faces were really close. Hol went over to Louis and they kissed eachother. Harry sat on a small couch with a blond girl chatting. He hadn’t noticed us yet.
Liam went over to Zayn and the girl with me.
‘hey Zayn, this is Marie. Hannahs younger sister.’
Zayn looked up and suddenly took his hand away from the girls lap. She looked confused, stood up and left the room.
Zayn stood up as well and hugged me.
‘I’m Zayn’ he said and smiled
That was awkward. I had no idea what was going on but I kinda didn’t like this zayn. Peet had told me some things about him. he was a flirty one I think and his first impression confirmed that.
‘Hey’, I said, faked a smile and turned around. I walked over to Louis to say ‘hi’ to him. he seemed really nice and made a good couple with Holly.
Louis said something funny and we all had a laugh. Harry looked up and his eyes widened when he saw me. He said something to the girl next to him and stood up. He walked over to us.
‘Hi I’m harry’, he said and looked at me
‘Heey. I’m marie. Nice to meet you’
‘nice to meet you too. Your Hannah sister aren’t you’, he replied and I could tell that it was hard for him to say her name.
‘yeah I am.’, I answered and smiled
‘is she h..’
‘shes at the hotel. She felt ill and wanted to get some sleep.’, I lied.
He knew I was lying but I couldn’t say that she wasn’t here because of him.
I knew it, he knew it and everyone else in the room knew it too but I didnt want to enunciate it.
‘oh oke’, he said and looked down. ‘hope she gets better soon’
He turned around and sat down next to the girl again. She took his hand and started to talk to him again. So he already found a new one? I wouldn’t tell Hannah about it. She was so down atm and that would make her feel ever more sad.
I was sitting next to Louisa on the couch in our dressing room. She was holding my hand and talking to me but I wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying. I was staring at marie all the time. She looked like Hannah. She had the same beautiful eyes and the same laugh. It hurt to see her but I couldn’t look away. Suddenly my phone vibrated.
*1 new message*
I jumped up. I’ll go get something to drink I said and ran out of the room. She texted me. Why did she text me? i leant against the wall and opened the message again.
Meet you outside
She wanted to see him? she wanted to talk to me? she was here?
I headed to the big door. The security men opened it and I walked outside. It was a little chilly. I look to the right and that was when I saw her. She sat on the ground with her back against the wall her head on her knees. I guess she was crying. This moment reminded me of the situation in the hospital.
‘hannah?’, I whisperd
She looked up and wiped her tears away.
‘I’m sorry’ she said and stood up.
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Haha yeah thats me :D |
‘for what?’ I asked? ‘I have to be sorry for not keeping my promise’
‘I thought it would be the best for you to forget about me and to break tie. Then Liam told me that you felt bad. And now I don’t know what to do .i just want you to be okay and to go on and concentrate on the competition.’
‘hannah I told you that you don’t stop me from living my dream or concentration on the competition. It nearly killed me when you wouldn’t answer my calls or text back.’
Tears were forming in her eyes again.
‘I just didn’t know what to do’, she whispered. A tears rolled down her chest. ‘I wanted the best for you. And I was afraid to get my hopes up because I wasn’t sure if I was just a summer flirt or not.’
‘I would never hurt you and of course you weren’t.’ I pulled her into a hug.
‘ i really like you’, I continued. She cried into my chest.
‘han please stop crying’ I said and ran my fingers through her hair
‘She looked up, straight into my eyes.
‘I missed you’, she smiled
‘I missed you so much more babe’ I said and took her hand.
‘I’d love to spend the day with you but we have to practice for tomorrows show.’, I said and my smiled faded.
‘its fine babe. I wanna see a perfect performance tomorrow’, she answered and smiled at me. we walked into the studio again to find the others saying goodbye to eachother.
They all smiled and ‘aaawed’ when we walked into the room hand in hand.
‘hazza. We need to go. Rehearsals start in 5.’, liam said and kissed Peet goodbye one more time. So did Louis & Hol and Niall & Meg.
I turned to Han and she gave me a ‘don’t worry I’ll be fine’ glaze.
I pulled her into a close hug and whispered ‘I’ll text you’.
She smiled at me and turned around. The girls went outside and headed to the exit. The boys did the same but in the other direction.
I turned around to Louisa. She smiled at me.
‘So youre back together?’ she said
‘Well. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend yet but things are sorted out.’ I smiled
‘I’m happy for you Hazza. It hurt to see you suffer.’
I hugged her and we headed to the stage for rehearsals. I was so glad to have her here. I’m sure Hannah would like her too.
We were sitting in the small starbucks drinking our Frapuccinos. Hannah was finally smiling again. I was so happy for her that Harry and her sorted everything out. They were so cute together and it had made me feel really bad to see her hurt.
‘sssssso Meg.’, han said ‘now you need to tell me about your first kiss with niall. You didn’t told us about that and now I’m curious.’
‘alright.’, meg started and laughed. ‘2 weeks ago he asked me out for dinner. He picked me up at home and we went to a small lake. There was a blanket on the grass and candles on it. We sat down on it and talked for a while. We ate something and when it got dark we laid down on the grass and he took my hand. I told me, he liked me and I rolled over to him. he did the same and we were face to face. He lent his head towards mine and our lips touched. Girls you cant imagine how romantic that was.’
We all aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawed.
‘haha so now we’re all dating. Except for marie of course’, Holly laughed.
‘zayn ist noch zu haben Rie.‘, I said in german.
‚schnapp ihn dir‘,Han added
Hol and Meg looked confused. ‘hey that’s not fair’, meg laughed
I laughed too. ‘ we just said that Zayn isn’t taken yet.’
‘Zayn is defiantly not my type’, marie said ‘I had had tooooo many flirty boys now. I need someone who takes it serious’
‘I cant believe your 14’, hol laughed. ‘ you sound like a 17 year old’
We chatted for a bit and then went back to the hotel. Meg and Hol went home but they would come back to get ready at the hotel tomorrow.
I couldn’t put down in words how happy I was. Everything was sorted out .
I was lying in bed next to Marie and Peet . They were both sleeping.
I looked at my phone and had 2 new messages.
I’m already missing you – xxxx Harry
Hey Han. Can u text me Maries number? – xx Zayn
I wrote back:
Missing you more – xxx Han
Sure. Her number is _________ - xx Han
Haha so Zayn had an eye on my little sister? Well. That could get quite interesting.
I put the phone on the small table next to the bed and closed my eyes. I should try and get some sleep. Tomorrow would be a exciting day. There I was. In London again
Thanks for reading :)
Much love - HanHan ♥
RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Louisa: @LouGS_1Dx
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