Part 10 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours ♥
Morning girls’ Meg mumbled.
‘Morning’, Hol whispered
‘oh gosh girls. Hangover too’, Hannah laughed
‘think so’, Hol replied
‘I don’t know ANYTHING what happened last night’, Meg said
‘hahaha same here’, I said.
‘I hope the boys do. They really have to tell us what happened’, holly laughed
‘Definitely, Hannah replied a bit sad
We were waiting for the girls in the dressing room .
We all got a hangover but i think the girls were feeling worse than us. They had all drunken pretty much and i'm not sure if they remebered anything that happened last night. But i wanted Meg to remember.
I wanted to know weather she had just wanted to do it because she was drunken or not. And i wanted to know if she could remember the things we talked about last night. I told her i loved her and i didnt know if she knew it now.
But i couldnt ask her. that would be awkward.
'Sooo Liam', harry said. 'our plan is fixed isnt it?'
'sure.', liam laughed.
We all got a hangover but i think the girls were feeling worse than us. They had all drunken pretty much and i'm not sure if they remebered anything that happened last night. But i wanted Meg to remember.
I wanted to know weather she had just wanted to do it because she was drunken or not. And i wanted to know if she could remember the things we talked about last night. I told her i loved her and i didnt know if she knew it now.
But i couldnt ask her. that would be awkward.
'Sooo Liam', harry said. 'our plan is fixed isnt it?'
'sure.', liam laughed.
They had talked about a plan which had something to do with Hannah and Petek but i hadnt listened so i didnt know what the plan was.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Our wonderful girls walked in and we all froze. They looked amazing again.
Harry walked over to hannah, picked her up and sat down on the couch with her on his lap. he started to kiss her softly. the soft kiss got more passionately and after 30 seconds they were making out.
Liam pushed peet against the wall and started to kiss her too. So this was their plan? i think i understood now but i wasnt quite sure if i was right. (comment: don't worry you'll get to know about the plan later :DD)
Louis, Hol, Marie and Zayn sat down at the table and Megan and I left the room, she wanted to go for a walk. maybe she wanted to talk about last night. maybe she knew what i said and what happened. but maybe she didnt.
Harry walked over to me, picked me up and sat down on the couch with me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss me softly. I put my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed me with more passion and the kiss took my breath away. i pulled away for a second and looked into his eyes.
Now i was worried. I knew that boys treated their girls different after they did it for the first time. and harry defiantly treated me different right now. so..maybe it had really happened last night. and i couldnt remeber anything.
'i need to make a call. im back in a minute', i said took my handbag and walked out of the room fast.
i headed to the exit and left the studios. i walked for about 10 minutes and sat down on a bench.
Louis, Hol, Marie and Zayn sat down at the table and Megan and I left the room, she wanted to go for a walk. maybe she wanted to talk about last night. maybe she knew what i said and what happened. but maybe she didnt.
Harry walked over to me, picked me up and sat down on the couch with me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss me softly. I put my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. He kissed me with more passion and the kiss took my breath away. i pulled away for a second and looked into his eyes.
Now i was worried. I knew that boys treated their girls different after they did it for the first time. and harry defiantly treated me different right now. so..maybe it had really happened last night. and i couldnt remeber anything.
'i need to make a call. im back in a minute', i said took my handbag and walked out of the room fast.
i headed to the exit and left the studios. i walked for about 10 minutes and sat down on a bench.
I just sat there and thought about everything. I wanted it to be special. Because he was special. He was better than all the other boys I had had before. He treated me different, better. I felt save and now I ruined everything by drinking too much alcohol? I wasn’t even sure if it had really happened last night but why would he act so weird. I was completely confused and didn’t know what to think. But I didn’t wanted to hurt him so I decided to walk back and just act normal.
I was sitting on the couch in the dressing room. Everyone around me was making out or talking and I just sat there awkwardly. Hannah had been away for 20 minutes now and she just wanted to make a call. I stood up and left the room. I headed to the exit. I wanted to open the door but someone opened it from the outside. Hannah walked in and faked a smile.
‘Hey babe’, she said. ‘it took long sorry’. She stood up on tiptoes to reach my mouth and kissed me. I took her hand and we walked back to the dressing room.
‘Good that your back hazza’, zayn said. ‘Simon told us to get ready. The girls can go and look for their seats’
‘Okay. see you later gorgeous’ Hannah said. I kissed her and she put her mouth on my ear and whispered : ‘I believe in you babe’, before kissing me again.
The girls wished us all luck and left the room. Liam closed the door.
‘haha I think our plan’s working harry’, he laughed
‘yeah I think so too. Hannah seemed really worried before she left the room to ‘make a call’, I said ‘but I think we should tell them about last night. I don’t want to hurt her.’
‘yeah we will after the show okay’; liam smiled
We were sitting on out seats and waiting for the show to start.
‘I’m thirsty’ Han said. ‘do you wanna come with me get something to drink?’
‘yeah sure .’ I said and stood up. ‘we’ll be back in a minute’
Hol , Meg and Rie nodded. Louisa, who was sitting next to marie stood up. ‘I come with you’, she smiled and we made our way to the exit to buy something to drink.
‘you’re not thirsty, are you?’ I laughed at Hannah
‘haha you know me too well’, she said. ‘ we need to talk’
‘Is it because know..harry and last night?’ I asked and looked at Louisa who just smiled. ‘ if you want me to go back to the studio its fine. But I wont tell my brother anything about this conversation’, she said
‘no its fine’, Hannah replied. ‘she turned to face me again.
‘did you see the way he treated me today? You know that boys treat their girls different after they did it for the first time.’ She said worried.
‘Yeah I saw that. But did you see how Liam welcomed me?’
‘maybe it really happened’, han said
‘yeah but why was I wearing his hoodie this morning?’, I laughed
‘haha its awkward to listen to you girls. But I think I understand your problem. Should I talk to harry. Maybe its nothing and you worry for nothing’
‘isnt it awkward to talk about things like that with your brother’ I asked
Louisa laughed. ‘I will just ask him how his night has been. He’d tell me if anything happened. I’m sure he will’.
‘alright. Ask him if you want to’, Hannah said and we went back to our seats. The show was just about to start.
‘YOU MADE IT’ we all screamed while we were running into the boys room hugging and kissing them.
The show just ended and One Direction got through. After we all calmed down a bit liam asked ‘Wait. It’s Sunday and you have school tomorrow don’t you’, Liam asked
‘yep we do’, pet answered. ‘we fly back to germany tomorrow at 5am to be in school around 8’
‘so another goodbye in a few hours?’, harry said and kissed Hannah.
‘I don’t wanna fly back. Why can’t we just stay here?’, marie asked. Zayn took her hand.
Awww that was cute. They hadn’t kissed yet or something but zayn treated her different than he normally treated a girl.
‘Because we have to go to school, Rie.’ Han replied. ‘I don’t wanna go either…’, she leant her head against harrys chest..’but we have to’
‘Okay guys. We shouldn’t waste our time sitting here talking about the goodbye.’, Louis laughed.
‘Louis’s right’, peet said. ‘Lets do something’
Niall and i decided to go for a walk because it was dark so noone could see us and noone would identify him. The other couples had their own plans. We would meet at 5am this morning to say goodbye to Han, Peet & Rie because they had to fly back to germany.
We were walking through the dark streets of London. He was holding my hand and neither he nor I were speaking.
The silence between us had never been awkward but today it was. He acted different today. Maybe it had something to do with what happened last night. i had been quite drunken and so had the girls. We all couldnt remember what happened last night. Hannah was worried that she and Harry did it last night. And Peet was a bit worried too.
Hol and Marie didnt knew anything too but werent afraid. marie woke up in her hotpans and a top and zayn knew that she was 14 so he wouldnt do something like that.
Niall and i decided to go for a walk because it was dark so noone could see us and noone would identify him. The other couples had their own plans. We would meet at 5am this morning to say goodbye to Han, Peet & Rie because they had to fly back to germany.
We were walking through the dark streets of London. He was holding my hand and neither he nor I were speaking.
The silence between us had never been awkward but today it was. He acted different today. Maybe it had something to do with what happened last night. i had been quite drunken and so had the girls. We all couldnt remember what happened last night. Hannah was worried that she and Harry did it last night. And Peet was a bit worried too.
Hol and Marie didnt knew anything too but werent afraid. marie woke up in her hotpans and a top and zayn knew that she was 14 so he wouldnt do something like that.
‘Meg’, Niall said. He didn’t look at me or stopped walking.
‘what’s wrong?’, I asked and tried to sound usual.
‘It’s just. Do you remember anything of what happened last night?’
‘welll….i think I don’t.’
‘nothing?’, he asked
‘just that we played strip poker and…’, I said
‘aaaaaaand?’, he asked a bit angry now. ‘C’mon meg. Think!’
‘I don’t know Niall’, I snapped ‘Don’t lean on me’
‘Nothing?’, he asked again sounding as angry as before.
‘NO NOTHING NIALL’ I shouted. ‘what do you want from me? it’s not a big deal is it? One night okay. I’m not drunken every day it was just one night.’
‘Just one night’, he repeated quitly looking to the ground , letting off my hand.
‘yeeeeeeees one freaking night. Its not even your business. Why do you even worry about it?’ I shouted again, turned around and started to walk away.
‘because I told you that I love you’, he shouted
I froze and turned around slowly. ‘You…’ I managed to say.
He looked to the ground.
‘yoouu….. did?’ I asked and felt so sorry for shouting at him.
‘yes I did’, he said still looking to the ground.
‘you love me?’
‘I LOVE YOU MEGAN EATON AND I ALWAYS WILL’ he shouted and looked me in the eyes. His glaze was blankly.
‘I LOVE YOU TOO NIALL JAMES HORAN’ I said, ran towards him and flug my arms around him.
‘you d..’? he started but I interrupted him by pressing my lips on his.
‘Poor Girls’ I said. ‘I feel so sorry for Han and Peet that they have to fly back to Germany and leave their boys here. I don’t know if I would be strong enough to be apart from you for a week.’
‘I really admire them . they go back to reality without the ones they like so much. But I also admire the boys. I couldn’t stand this pressure if you weren’t there to support me’
I stood on tiptoes and kissed him. We walked out of the restaurant and it was pouring. i grapped Louis hand and we ran out in the rain. we walked through the dark park. suddenly Louis stopped walking , turned around and looked me in the eyes.
'thanks for the wonderful evening beautiful' he said.
did he just call me beautiful`? aaaww.
‘Thank you too Louis.’ i said.
we were face to face. our noses nearly touched.
' i really like you Hol' he whispered.
i smiled and said' i'm glad you do . cuz i really like you too mr. tomlinson'
he smiled and turned his head a lil bit to the right side. now our noses where touching. i felt his warm breath and then i just felt butterflys everywhere. there was a spring awakening in my stomache. his lips where so soft. he stopped kissing me, put my face in both of his hands and looked at me
. 'Thank you' he said. '
what for' i asked
. i mean he had already thanked me for the evening.
he smiled a bit 'for making me believe in love again' . i looked in his eyes. and just hugged him. i didnt wanted to let go. this hug felt so good. he put my face into his hands again and kissed me. it hadnt stopped raining. i was so soppy. my hair was seeping but all that wasnt important. the only important thing, the only one that mattered to me was this boy i was kissing right now.i could stand there forever. just kissing him. it felt like there was nothing else i needed. no air, no water, no food. just him. just Louis Tomlinson and me kissing in the pouring rain, in the dark park, in the cold air.
I leaned my head against Liams chest and closed my eyes. We were on our way to our hotel. We were sitting in the back of the limo. The back screen had been moved up so that the front 2 seats were separated from the back seats.
‘I don’t want to say goodbye again’, I said sadly.
‘me neither’ he said and kissed my forehead. ‘we have to enjoy these last hours’
I looked up at him and smiled. He bent down and kissed me softly. I kissed him back and I got on top of him. My hands were behind his neck, his were in my hair. The kissing got more passionately and he sank down in his seat a little. I ran my fingers through his hair. His hands moved up and down my body and our breathing between the kisses became more deeply.
‘peet’, he managed to say but failed while moaning a bit.
I was sitting on his area now. I moved my hand towards his trousers and started to undo it. He put his hand on mine and smiled. ‘you have no idea….’ He stopped talking and took a deep breath. …’ how I’d love to do you here and now’ he managed to say.
‘but we’re like 5 minutes away from the hotel and imagine paparazzi’d took pics of us’
‘you’re right liam. it’s fine’, I said and sat down next to him.
‘sure?’, he asked worried.
‘I’m fine babe. you’re right. There'll be another moment which will be more magic than this one' i laughed
He smiled and kissed my forehead again.
We arrived at the hotel 5 mins later and headed to our room. Noone was in so we sat down on the couch. ‘what do you wanna do know babe?’, liam asked
‘actually.. I have to pack a few things. Our flight is in about 6 hours and I haven’t packed anything yet’, I laughed
‘alright. I’ll help you’, he answered and we went into my room.
‘wwooooow. This is huuuuuge’ I marveled. Harry and I were standing on the xfactor stage. Noone else was there. Everyone had gone home or prepared the backstage area for the next show.
‘I know right. It’s amazing to perform here’, harry smiled. He put his arms around me and kissed me softly.
‘do it’ I said
‘do what?’, he laughed
‘sing. Perform for me’, I smiled and kissed him again.
‘now?’, he laughed
‘why not?’
‘welll.. okay but on one condition’
‘I’m listening’
‘we do a duet’
‘a duet means..’
‘That you have to sing with me..yep’, he laughed
‘That you have to sing with me..yep’, he laughed
‘eeeeeeeh..’, I laughed
‘C’mon babe. Pet said your good.’
‘I’ve never sang infront of..someone like you before.’ I replied a bit scared
‘someone like me?’, he asked a bit confused
‘yeah..someone like you. I’ve only sang infront my best girl friends but never infront of someone like you. None of my ex boyfriends have ever heard me singing.’
‘well. None of your ex boyfriends took you on a giant stage like that, did they’ , harry laughed.
'alright i'll do it but i have to ask you something.' i said and my voice trembled.
'sure babe. you okay?' he asked worried and put his arms around my waist'
'what happened last night?' i said and closed my eyes cuz i was afraid to her the answer.
'i knew you would ask', he said and pulled me closer. I looked up to him.
'nothing han. nothing happened yesterday. we just lay on the bed for about an hour kissing and enjoying our time together. you fell asleep on me and thats it.'
I just kissed him and nodded.
It's not that i dont want to do it with you. its just. i want to remember it.' i said and looked to the ground.
'It's fine beautiful. i want you to remember it too.' he laughed and kissed my forehead.
He sat down on the piano and started to play. I didn’t knew he could play the piano.
After the first notes I already got goose pimples. He played Grenade. I loved that song.
He started to sing. Easy come easy go…… he sang the first verse and the chorus and looked at me full of expectations. I was afraid and nervous but managed to start.

Tell the devil I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from
Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car
He joined in and we sang the bridge in two parts. I really had to say it sounded amazing. Our voices harmonized perfectly.
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is
we sang the rest of the song and smiled when we sang the last line.
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is
we sang the rest of the song and smiled when we sang the last line.
No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no
‘Han why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that?’, he asked and kissed me
‘why didn’t You tell me you could play the piano?’, I laughed
‘Cause no one knows. Not even my mum or someone.’
‘why don’t you tell anyone? You’re amazing harry.’
‘why don’t you tell anyone? You’re amazing harry.’
‘Cuz. I’m afraid or something. I don’t know its just.. I have no idea. But why didn’t YOU tell ME that you’re good at singing?’ he asked and stood up
‘because you didn’t ask and because i' not?!’, I laughed.
He walked towards me and kissed me. ‘you have an amazing voice. You’re really really good babe.’
I kissed him back. ‘thanks mr. popstar but I don’t think so’
‘you do okay. believe in you babe.’
We were standing on this huge stage in the big studios, kissing. I felt like the girl in the ‘justin bieber u smile’ video. I always wanted a boy who treated me like justin did in that video. I always wanted to have a date like that. I watched the video like a thousand times and always thought there would never be anyone like that you liked me and accepted me the way i was. Now I had a boy who was even better than justin bieber. Better than anyone I could think of. He was perfect.
And there it was again. This awful voice in my head. Goodbye goodbye goodbye it screamed. Again and again.
‘I don’t wanna say goodbye again’, I whispered. Harry hugged me.
‘Just 5 days Han. I promise you..i’ll text you every single day.’
‘but. I can’t say goodbye every week. I don’t want to say goodbye every week. Its wonderful to be here with you . you’re like the best thing that ever happened to me. But the goodbyes are the most painful ones I've ever had.’
He just pulled me closer. I knew he felt the same way. I didn’t knew if I could stay strong enough to continue like that. I didn’t knew if I had enough strength to come back next week and say goodbye again after 2 days.
Me in Holland this weekend ♥ |
Much love - HanHan ♥
RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegan_1D (Megan)
Liams bff: @gmortlockkk
nialls bff: @lyannejones
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