Sunday, October 31, 2010
Haiku, Senryu, Hay(Na)Ku and Other
Unrhymed Tercet Poetry
From the riotously humorous to the deeply poignant, Patricia covers the emotional terrain with her witty personality unfurled and a display of craft that, like a dancer, seems so effortless. – Brenda J. Gannam, Haiku Society of America
It’s no accident that she starts off with a Kerouac and Bashô haiku … Bashô’s frogs are replaced by bedbugs – Kerouac’s drugs are replaced by Viagra. –Hal Sirowitz, FATHER SAID
by Patricia Carragon
Illustrated by William L. Hays
Fierce Grace Press, Pooler, GA
Tuesday, November 2 at 7:30 to 10 P.M.
Perch Café - 365 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215
$5 food/drink
with Cindy Hochman
Hosted by Pam Laskin
Flyer for the GEO-VII on recent Hungarian Earth Observation activities

architect and gallerist Johann Wolfschoon from Diablo Rosso and Sketch, outside Diablo Rosso space

Diablo Rosso building in Panama City's Casco Antiguo

Diablo Rosso's gallery space, with an exhibition celebrating the gallery's 4th birthday, in which friends and artists were invited to bring a gift for the space

Diablo Rosso's birthday cake, bought by PLB at Dulcerama

Diablo Rosso's shop

Diablo Rosso's Pony Rosso Restaurant

Pony Rosso restaurant

and Sketch architecture office next door
visit Diablo Rosso's website and Sketch's website
Saturday, October 30, 2010
K-sport inawatakiwa pole familia ya mziray na wadau wa soka kwa msiba huu

Kiungo mshambuliaji wa manchester united akishangilia goli la utata katika mechi ya ligi kuu ya uingereza ambako man u imeizamisha toternham hotspurs magoli mawili kwa sifuri lakini totenham walimshtumu mwamuzi kwa kusema kuwa alikuwa goli sahihi mwamuzi wa mchezo huo Mark Clattenburg alimfwata msaidizi ambaye aliinyoosha kibendera kuashairia mkanganyiko usiolewa weka lakini manchester ilibidi ipewe pernaty lakini wakati nani akiwa chini alikamata mpira kwa mkono huku kipa wa spurs akiamni kuwa ampewa free kick na kuuachia mpira wake kwenye mikono na luis kuunyatia mpira na kufunga .
matokeo mengine ni
• Arsenal
West Ham United
Blackburn Rovers
• Everton
Stoke City
• Fulham
Wigan Athletic
• Wolverhampton
Manchester City
• Manchester United
Totenham hotspurs
Hey Dudes at The Roanoke Times
Once again a totally missed story that would have been half of the front page with big photos if Pres. Bush had been the brunt of the Daily Show’s grossly disrespectful slam dunk of Obama and The Presidency!
Summers did “a heckuva job,” Obama said.
Stewart quickly admonished:
“You don’t want to use that phrase, dude.”
Is this not the President of the United States?
Is this not the Commander-in-Chief during war-time?
Or, is this just a Chicago community organizer and political hack?
Or, is this, as The Editors of the Roanoke Times described in their paper on Oct 24, 20010: “the ‘angry Negro’ in the White House”?
Exactly which President is this and where in recorded history has the person and the office been reduced to this level by the minions of the media?
I do not agree with Obama on most of his positions and actions, however, I am very disturbed that he is constantly placing himself and the office in positions to be ridiculed by others and or subservient to others of dubious position.
This is yet another example that clearly demonstrates that Obama was not and is not prepared to be President of The United States and two years of on-the-job training has not improved his performance or stature.
What a sad chapter in American History.
The Audacity of Groveling
Thailand: New Commemorative coins issued
The Treasury department of Thailand will issue coins commemorating the 84th (7th cycle) birthday of HRH Princess Bejaratana Rajasuda Sirisobhabannavadihad (pronounced as Petcharat) on 1st November 2010. She is the only child of King Rama VI, the 6th King of the ruling Chakri dynasty. She was only 1 day old when her father passed away in 1925. She actually will be turning 85 years old this coming 24th November.

Coin details:
10 Baht: Bi-metallic, 8.5g, 26mm
20 Baht: Cupro-Nickel, 15g, 32mm
800 Baht: 92.5% Silver, 22g, 35mm

The Panama Museum of Biodiversity, Panama City, Panama. Design began 1999, construction 2003, completion was scheduled for 2006...
museum's website
Friday, October 29, 2010
Um bom voto em Dilma presidente
Pichani ni kaimu katibu mkuu na kaimu afisa habari wa tff na mkurugenzi wa ufundi wa tff akifafanua jambo kuhusu ya semina hiyo ya waamuzi.
Shirikisho la kandanda la tanzania linatarajia kuwa mwenyeji wa kozi za waamuzi zitakazo hapa tanzania ,Safari hii tunayo kozi ya wakufunzi ya waamuzi na uongozi kwa waamuzi na ukomavu wa mwili wa wamuuzi fifa imekuwa na utaratibu wakujiongoza lakini katika uongozi mkuu vipengele hivyo vitakwenda sambamba na kozi hizo zitaanza tarehe nane hadi tarehe kumi na tatu na kutakuwa na washiriki kutoka ETHIOPIA ,ERITREA, MALAWI, SYSCHELS, NA SOMALIA na wafukunzi wa kozi hizo watatoka ,uingereza, misri,afrika kusini kayuni amesema kuwa mwenyeji wa semina hiyo watapata upendeleo wa kuingiza waamuuzi wengi kushiriki semina hiyo na wanatarajia kupata mambo mengi ikiwa pamoja na kuongeza ufahamu katika uongozi wa wamuuzi.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Home Fittness Equipment
Remember that home fitness equipment is designed to perform different tasks and you will need to work out just what parts of your body you intend to train, ensure it is something that will get plenty of use and perhaps will help you with other interests you may have. The best equipment to buy is the type you have already become familiar with at a gym or fitness club; always start by buying small pieces of equipment that match your interests. At this point it would be important to know that you can afford the equipment you have chosen, but don’t believe for one moment that the more it costs the more likely you are to use it, this can be a costly mistake to make because nothing could be further from the truth. It is easy to buy budget equipment and expect it to perform like more expensive apparatus but if you intend to use it a great deal, it may be false economy to do this.try choosing cheaper alternatives but do not sacrifice the quality of the equipment. Massive savings can be made buying nearly new sports equipment from the classifieds so take a look at these first. You can even find home fitness equipment that has been hardly used at very low prices, even ex-demonstration equipment that is not very old but the price is almost half the original. This apparatus is much larger than it appears in the stores so you must factor in where you intend to put it.
It is great if you have a ready made room to place it in but if not, it is worth considering the garage which has become a favorite for many home gym installations. It is always worthwhile taking a physical before you buy this equipment, just to be on the safe side. Some equipment may be painful to use and might cause harm to your body so try it out first before you buy it. Joining a gym and using their apparatus can often actually work out to be a less expensive option, Don’t dismiss the idea of joining a gym as often it can be cheaper to use their facilities, then if you think that buying your own home fitness equipment will be a less expensive long term option, go for that. Buying fitness equipment should not be done on a whim so if you really can’t make up your mind which way to go, why not ask a professional fitness instructor.
Educación Superior y TIC - Conferencia internacional en el 2011
Kushoto ni mbunifu maarufu wa mitindo ya mavazi nchni mustafa hasanali akizungumzia maonyesho ya mavazi yatakayo julikana kama swahili fashion week pembeni yake ni Barry fisher moja kati ya wakufunzi na wadhamni wa maonyesho walipokuwa wakizungumza na waandishi wa habari.
Swahili Fashion Week inawaleta pamoja wabunifu wa mavazi 24 kutoka nchi zinazoongea lugha ya Kiswahili ili kuweza kuonyesha ubunifu wao katika kubuni mavazi ya aina mbalimbali kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za malighafi.
Wabunifu watakaoonesha mavazi katika Swahili Fashion Week kwa mwaka huu ni pamoja na Ailinda Sawe, Manju Msita, Kemi Kalikawe, Christine Mhando, Shellina Ibrahim, Farha Naaz Sultan, Gabriel Mollel, Robi Morro, Asia Idarous, Zamda George, Khadija Mwanamboka, Jamilla Vera Swai and Made by Afrika. wabunifu kutoka Kenya ni Sonu Sharma, Moo Cow, KiKoromeo, John Kavike na Kooroo, na kutoka Uganda ni mbunifu Stella Atal.
“Pamoja na maonyesho ya mavazi, mwaka huu Swahili Fashion Week itakwenda sambamba na tamasha la maonyesho ya bidhaa mbalimbali zenye asili ya mswahili kutoka mwambao wa Afrika mashariki”. Alisema Mustafa Hassanali muaandaaji y tukio la Swahili Fashion Week.
“Tunafungua milango zaidi kwa ajili ya watazamaji wapya wa Swahili Fashion Week, amboa watapata fursa ya kununua bidhaa mbalimbali. Tamasha hili ambalo linazileta pamoja bidhaa mbalimbali za sanaa na utamaduni wa mswahili, pia litahamasisha ubunifu zaidi katika bidhaa zinazokwenda sambamba na maisha halisi ya jamii ya watu wanaoongea lugha ya Kiswahili kwa kukutana pamoja na kubadilisha mawazo na kujifunza uzoefu mpya katika masuala yanayohusiana na sanaa kwa ujumla.” Aliaongeza Hassanali.
Pamoja na maonyesho, pia kutakuwepo aina tofauti za burudani kutoka kwa vikundi
Mbalimbali vya muziki, uchoraji wa hina, usukaji mikeka, sambamba na semina za aina tofauti zitakazo washirikisha wabunifu wa mavazi.Aidha Swahili fashion Week imeandaa aina tofauti za zawadi zitakazotolewa mwaka huu kwa lengo la kutambua na kuthamini vipaji vya aina mbalimbali vitakavyooneshwa, ikiwa ni pamoja na zawadi ya mwaka kwa mbunifu anaechipukia.Swahili fashion week 2010 imedhaminiwa na Home of Swahili Fashion week Southern Sun, Origin Africa, USAID Compete, EATV, East Africa Radio, Malaria Haikubaliki, BASATA (Baraza La Sanaa Tanzania) Ultimate Security, Monier 2000, Colour Print ltd, Global Outdoor Ltd, Amarula, Vayle Springs Ltd, ZG Films, Darling Hair, Danish make up designs, Nipashe, Bilicanas, Perfect Machinery LTD, 1 & 1 internet solutions, Sengi Tours, Ifashion na 361 Degrees.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

view of Proyectos Sauna gallery before the exhibition

exhibition views

host of the night Mr. Juan Carlos Haag

Naufus Figueroa's chocolate covered frozen bananas

Naufus and banana

drawing by Radames 'Juni' Figueroa installed with chewing gum

drawing by Santiago Monge

'for worthy oral sex' by Clara Astiasaran
'Oral Exam', ruler by Paskal Dec

video by Natalia 'Bambi' Valencia

Juan Carlos Haag playing his tube

guests creating fog in the sauna

Master of Ceremonies Mr. Haag with dj Mrs. Valencia

Mr. Haag and Mr. de la Barra welcoming the guests and declaiming some Andean oral poetry

guests at the exhibition

Santiago Pinyol's smoke incense sculpture

smoke from the incense inside the sauna gallery

Smoke at the restaurant after Mr. Haag tried to light the chimney

Mr. Haag playing the piano at Tramonti's piano bar after the exhibition

view of restaurante Tramonti
an improvised exhibition at Proyectos Sauna Bogota under the instigation of Juan Carlos Haag, Juan Aramburo and Pablo Leon de la Barra
Located in a 1970s sauna within Tramonti Restaurant in La Calera neighbourhood of Bogota and combining the idea of the sauna, the spoken and sexual orality that develops within a sauna, and a relation to Bogota's Andean climate and context, guests are required to bring an oral work to the exhibition.
Restaurante Tramonti Carrera 1 #93-50, Vía La Calera
Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 8:00 pm
que encegueces mis sentidos,
cuando no estás conmigo.
que me persigue en mis noches de pecado;
me envuelve en su manto blanco
pon mortaja a mis angustias.
La niebla que me ama.
(poema encontrado en la web)
COVER: Toda persona debe llevar una obra oral (Como entienda lo que eso significa).
Nosotros no vendemos arte. Hacemos arte.
Está chegando o grande dia !
Fonte : Portal UOL.
What do you know about Steroids

Sex hormones and the natural evolution of its work:
There are many sex hormones (sex hormones) such as (testosterone -
progesterone - ostradiol) - androstenedione) and other hormones
Other nationality. (Some of these hormones, sex hormones Women and some sex hormones for men and I must work kidney Alrajal and women, with all the hormones Gansipalrjalip and women and I to varying degrees hays dominated in the men Hermonatalzkrip and less than the proportion of female hormones and the opposite will happen in women. female hormones responsible for the formation (formation of fat cells _ distribution
Fat cells in the buttocks, chest and legs _ maturation Alozaivaljncip members and women.
The male hormones are responsible for (the depth of sound - composition of muscles - block
Bone - body hair Amta _ _ male sexual characteristics and growth of members Male.)
Must know the following:
The male body produces every day from 4-10 mg of testosterone an average of 28-70 mg testosterone per week.
Of the testes produce testosterone in men by the adrenal gland located near the kidneys.
Supports the production of testosterone in males to (hypothalamus - pituitare - testes - axis) or the so-called short name (HPTA
The proportion of testosterone in the body in terms of increase and decrease is through the following processes:
When you send a message to the testes (hypothalamus) is either to increase the hormone (leutenizinghormone), called LHRH))
Which leads to increased hormone (LH) and hormone (FSH) and reaches the two hormones to the testes and Idechlo Khalaip (LEYDIDS) thereby creating a
Larger amount of testosterone and sperm.
But what happens when a high proportion of testosterone the body or what happens when doping:
Send a signal to the testis) (hypothalamus) to issue a minimal amount of (LHRH)), which in turn reduces the production of the hormones (LH) and (FSH)
Or suspended from production, which reduces the production of testosterone and sperm production or stop production.
Of course, this process affect the production of testosterone in another way in which where
Increase the level of estrogen, which is noteworthy also lead to decrease production of hormones
Such as male testosterone ..
Why do doping body:
Most steroids are derived from testosterone and I was not all doping
Derived from it or its impact, and this what we have learned when Nqra Description doping
And the work of all the tonic to end.
Synthetic hormone androgen or testosterone synthetic has two essential properties:
Structural property which is an increase in muscle size and speed of healing muscle and build muscle fiber.
Alkha will Nationality, which is represented in (sexual activity and sexual characteristics - hair
GENERAL To the body - the depth of the sound - aggressive - the production of the sebaceous glands - Grain Body -
Oily skin -
Must know that the difference between the work of self-evolution and testosterone between Altestisteron androgens or manufacturer.
To work the body's natural testosterone should be linked to Bmstqublath, who helps him after metals such as zinc, copper and magnesium
The testosterone is in the form of factory-equipped to link Bmstqublath
Testosterone works factory or manufacturer Alanderugenip hormone in the body as follows:
When testosterone injection, for example molecules go into the blood is present in each region
We have to bleed the body and then go to Ryecebtor androgen in cell Muscle
Then go on to the (DNA) muscle cell, which is part of the desoxyribonucleic acid Any DNA and then to the ribonucleic acid
Then leaves the muscle cell and go to the liquid portion of which is called the (cytoplasm).
That the previous process which is edited and receive an increase of protein (amin acid) in the muscle cell and lead the process to reduce the rate of destruction (catabolism), because the molecules activated Pthal replace cortisol molecules inside Riseptur so doing, can not access to the cortisol Riseptur to the process of demolition .. then leave and activated Riseptur Ibaka Why question is happening here when he leaves activator Riseptur? ::
After going to the anniversary of the activator Alanderugeny Ryecebtor androgen and do its work due to the blood at that time as possible and that another related Briceptur Whether or Androgenia Astrugenia.
If he went to pick Ryecebtor androgenic work again but if Atslbraiseptur estrogenic will lead to activity characteristics Alastrugenip Alrgelomemkn only when related to hormone Exiting Ryecebtor Ryecebtor to another and in that case turning fractions to the kidneys and then went out of the body with urine.
At the same time, which shifts some of the hormones to Alanderugenip (dihydrotestosterone), which Ittaleg name it (DHT) of this hormone androgenic hormone
Has the ability to be linked to Briceptur androgen hormones are higher than Alanderugenip but are higher than testosterone itself
This hormone has the characteristics Andrugenip very high than the properties of testosterone to Alanderugenip I was not available by the constructive property available Vyaltestusteron Alanderugenip and some hormones.
The P (DHT) is responsible for (grain body - and sebaceous glands - and the growth of Haraljsm as a whole - and the growth of the prostate - and oily skin - and hair loss)
Most functions are considered in itself affect side effects of amphetamine users and Aknlh good recipe and distinctive Namely, that it increases muscle strength does not preclude Alyastroyjin
How do I become a doping Alanderugenip constructive muscles?
Or another question what are the benefits of such stimulants to bodybuilder?
Interest exists or upon doping Alanderugenip in several characteristics, namely:
Increase the structural doping (anabolic strroids) and building muscle protein Vyalkhalip muscle and take advantage of it and take advantage of the body Amta protein.
Increase the structural doping of the presence of oxygen in blood.
Increase the doping of structural muscle cell nitrogen retention.
As an anti-doping work for the demolition Body
Doping leads to an increase of red blood cells and the level of blood flow increase Paljsmuandma that feature alone will turn the best known side effects, high Dgtaldm.
Of amphetamine significant impact on the structural composition and Tdzen and distribution of body fat.
Doping leads to increased structural ed phospho creatine (phosphor, creatine), which increases endurance and energy in training.
The definition of antibiotics
The female body to produce estrogen in the ovaries. The man's body also Intjalastroyjin but derived by the male sex hormones such as testosterone, occurs Hmavi the blood stream where they combine Alandzimallarromati hormone testosterone and converts - Antriv chemical reaction - to estrogen. When you increase the levels of the hormone testosterone or male hormones other Vimejry blood and seeks enzymes aromatic to Alatsaq this Alzaidpotholha hormones to estrogen, which is equivalent to or weaken the influence of the hormone testosterone, That's why the Alrabiin who have high levels of male hormones in the blood - whether natural or catalyst - have also had high levels of Alastroyji, this may lead to the effects of high rates side when men such as Tdkhaltdien and deposition of fat in the hips and buttocks and stimulate the growth and gas and Alantfajwalakm and the lack of semen.
Moving some of the men who have an imbalance of estrogen to Astamalinua of drugs known as anti-enzymes with disabilities hemocytoblastic - factors which weaken Taoquao - to some extent - the chemical transformation of the male hormones to estrogen.
Therapeutic drugs
Not all anti-hemocytoblastic similar effectiveness, and show some of them as follows:
Tislak and "Orimidquis": These two drugs falls within the range of anti-Allarromatalhakiqip high because of their ability to resist the enzymes aromatic, and said Anakari Alteslak Alaremydquis "latest" unite effectively with all of these enzymes
Aromatic and disturbing Ioagafan activity and thus no chance to remove a Tequenalastroyjin and side effects in the end.
A drawback of these drugs is high Tmenhma and the difficulty of finding Tabibaaly familiar with them and accepted writing, described in medical "prescription" (often Mayocef Hmanalakaran for the treatment of breast cancer).
Broveron: in particular, is described as an aphrodisiac for Asteroydat masculinity, which is not his _khasaisbnaiip of the muscles, which is very similar to estrogen in that it has the ability to
Union with the same hormone receptors Afeeouk so its effects, it does Albrooveronkel This, along with its effects in the treatment of osteoporosis and a higher rate of cells, RBCs, and may confer a more robust appearance on the athletes, and if compared to the drug
Drug "tamoxifen", it is unsurpassed in resisting Albrooveronlayaouk estrogen because estrogen alone, but also increases the hardness of the body.
Klomid: that "clomiphene citrate" or Alklomid also estrogenic compound
Used over the years as fertility, and simulates Alklomid Btathirath Tathirathrmon gonadotropin release hormone secreted gland "Alheibozalams" - which Ihvzbdorh pituitary gland to produce hormones and incentive Alliotin cystica.
When women work Polycystic hormone incentive to increase production of eggs Alyguenap tubes, either in men, it increases the number of sperm that Tantjaddakhal testes, and acts as a hormone Alliotin to increase the production of testosterone Andalrjal and has no effect of hormones in women.
Besides its uses in the treatment of infertility, united Alklomid Bmstqublatalastroyjin an impact and a moderate constraint, so it spurred along Xiaodpaltistosteron men has the ability to block the adverse effects of Cefadthallarromatip its own.
Nulfadicks: This is an anti-estrogen drug which is commercially known as "Sterataltamokseven" has been created mainly to block the growth of tumors resulting from Alastroyjinwalti found in malignant tissue within the breast, and is used to Alrabion Khvdaltathirat side effects of the increased use of Androgens, and vary
- With that - its effectiveness in reducing these side effects from one person to another.
Stadrin: the drug anti-cortisol is often prescribed for patients with simultaneous "Kashenj" (a condition that increases during the production of cortisol, leading to the demolition of Hdidallalansjp), that the primary influence of Stadrin is impaired enzyme important Aldharurelthol cortisol to Briggninolon, without the latter stops the production of each steroidal hormones (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol), and Kdadt the fact that it causes the disappearance of hormones Alastroydip that some people claim that "Alcetadrin" acting like an anti-aromatic Alyastroyjin blocking the conversion of testosterone, but there is not only to change testosterone to estrogen and will not stop Iemlalcetadrin transformation of any aromatic testosterone enters the body artificially!
Of side effects that have not attained their share of the study Alkavipllstadtdrin is the lack of the amount of red blood cells, "Anemia", and the lack of white blood cell "Allicoppinia" and so may not become Radi large and solid and even Aydadaiva and sick and sterile and infected with anemia if they use the drug.
The impact of Wazzdug Sitadrin in reducing structural Alchortizulohermon hormone estrogen, it seems ideal for nourishing and restorative players Kamal Alajdzamogerhm of athletes, however, it reduces all Alasterodip Fayaljsm hormones may cause serious complications Vihedm at the end of it any hopes for the player to use it as an incentive Kamalalajdzam growth.
The athletes must give special attention to the levels of hormones Yomsamam if Makanwa aspire to achieve the best results, as they have to Ielmoaan the total elimination of estrogen in the body can reduce the operations and Ieoukldehm sexual motivation.