view of Proyectos Sauna gallery before the exhibition

exhibition views

host of the night Mr. Juan Carlos Haag

Naufus Figueroa's chocolate covered frozen bananas

Naufus and banana

drawing by Radames 'Juni' Figueroa installed with chewing gum

drawing by Santiago Monge

'for worthy oral sex' by Clara Astiasaran
'Oral Exam', ruler by Paskal Dec

video by Natalia 'Bambi' Valencia

Juan Carlos Haag playing his tube

guests creating fog in the sauna

Master of Ceremonies Mr. Haag with dj Mrs. Valencia

Mr. Haag and Mr. de la Barra welcoming the guests and declaiming some Andean oral poetry

guests at the exhibition

Santiago Pinyol's smoke incense sculpture

smoke from the incense inside the sauna gallery

Smoke at the restaurant after Mr. Haag tried to light the chimney

Mr. Haag playing the piano at Tramonti's piano bar after the exhibition

view of restaurante Tramonti
an improvised exhibition at Proyectos Sauna Bogota under the instigation of Juan Carlos Haag, Juan Aramburo and Pablo Leon de la Barra
Located in a 1970s sauna within Tramonti Restaurant in La Calera neighbourhood of Bogota and combining the idea of the sauna, the spoken and sexual orality that develops within a sauna, and a relation to Bogota's Andean climate and context, guests are required to bring an oral work to the exhibition.
Restaurante Tramonti Carrera 1 #93-50, Vía La Calera
Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 8:00 pm
que encegueces mis sentidos,
cuando no estás conmigo.
que me persigue en mis noches de pecado;
me envuelve en su manto blanco
pon mortaja a mis angustias.
La niebla que me ama.
(poema encontrado en la web)
COVER: Toda persona debe llevar una obra oral (Como entienda lo que eso significa).
Nosotros no vendemos arte. Hacemos arte.
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