Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Proposed UN Committee of Experts on GGIM - 2nd Preparatory Meeting in New York

By invitation, this Meeting will be attended by the Presidents of EUROGI (Prof. Mauro Salvemini) and GSDI Association (Prof. Abbas Rajabifard) as well.

·      Second Preparatory Meeting of the Proposed
·      United Nations Committee of Experts on
·      Global Geographic Information Management
·       New York, 10-11 May 2010
·      Provisional Agenda and Annotations
·      1. Introduction and Opening Remarks
·      Director of the United Nations Statistics Division/DESA
·      Chief of the United Nations Cartographic Section/DFS
·      2. Current Initiatives in Geographic Information Management
·      Background and recent UN Resolutions
·      - Existing national, regional and international initiatives
·      3. Critical Issues in Global Geographic Information Management
·      - Governance:  Is global governance relevant and necessary?
·      - Emerging trends in institutional management models
·      - Interoperability of systems and data
·      - Common technical solutions and standards
·      - Data integration and layering
·      - Public rendering of geographic information by the private sector
·      - Capacity building and technology transfer
·      4. Terms of Reference for the World Conference and the UNCE-GGIM:
·               Terms of reference and the modalities of work for the World Conference and the proposed UN Committee of Experts on GGIM
·      5. Conclusions/Recommendations

·      Annotations
·      1.     Current initiatives in geographic information management
·      The meeting will have before it, for information, a background document prepared jointly by United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and United Nations Cartographic Section (UNCS) on relevant UN resolutions and decisions underpinning cartographic and geographic information coordination activities since 1948. A second background document compiled by UNSD and UNCS provides an overview on a number of regional and international initiatives on geographic information management facilitated by the UN and proposes some new directions.  Member states and international organizations present at the meeting may make brief report on their own initiatives.
·      2.     Critical issues in global geographic information management
·      The meeting will discuss a range of technical issues.  It will address the relevance and necessity of establishing a governance structure amidst the growing importance of global geographic information. Policy drivers such as rapid response to humanitarian crises, support of long-term/sustainable development, and place-based development strategies will be reviewed.
·      The meeting will further address the critical issues in various technical areas.  Member states and international organizations are welcome to prepare scoping papers on the following issues: i) emerging trends in institutional management models, ii) interoperability of systems and data, iii) common technical solutions and standards, iv) data integration and layering, v) public rendering of geographic information by the private sector,  vi) capacity building and technology transfer.  
·      Member states and international organizations are welcome to suggest additional critical issues on global geographic information management.
·      3.     Terms of Reference for the World Conference and the UNCE-GGIM
·      The meeting will have before it, for discussion, provisional terms of reference on the proposed UNCE-GGIM, prepared by UNSD and UNCS.  The meeting is expected to propose the mission and objectives of the Committee and its modus operandi, in terms of membership, composition and term of office, reporting procedure, frequency of meetings, secretariat, meeting documentation and resource requirements. The meeting will further discuss the broad themes and governance structure of the First World Conference on GGIM. The meeting will be informed of the preparations for the World Conference.
·      4.     Conclusions/Recommendations
·      The meeting will agree on an outline for the report which will outline a global strategy on the vision for global geographic information management, to be submitted to ECOSOC, and on the future steps to be taken in the implementation of this strategy, including the hosting of the first World Conference.

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