Monday, October 18, 2010

Reminder: Heller Levinson and Carol Novack at Tillies of Brooklyn, Tues, 10/19 at 7 p.m.

Poetry Grows in Ft. Greene, Brooklyn

The Brownstone Poets Presents:
Heller Levinson and Carol Novack 

Tuesday, October 19

Starts at 7p.m. – Sign up at 6:45p.m. – We must be out by 9p.m.

Heller has a new book from the UK, "Excoriate Exhale: Routing Soutine" (Knifes, Folks and Spoons Press).  

"What Soutine did with paint, Levinson does with words. He performs an impasto, a thick daubing of vigorous turmoil, so that one feels the ache and acceleration driving the language. One wonders if there is a tornado in this man’s skull, a whirling dervish of “mental musculature,” a “procreant ecstatically perceptual perpetual tingle.” Each sentence is a storm ..." -- John Olson

Carol is launching her new book "Giraffes in Hiding: The Mythical Memoirs of Carol Novack" (Spuyten Duyvil Press), coming soon to a bookstore near you.

 “She has the literary equivalent of perfect pitch, like those musicians who can specify the hertz of birds and burps. Uncanny tympani!”  -- Tom Bradley

Copies of their new books will be available at the reading.

Tillies of Brooklyn
248 DeKalb Ave. (corner of Vanderbilt and DeKalb)

Brooklyn, NY 11205 Phone # (718) 783-6140

Take the J, R or Q trains to DeKalb Avenue, 
the C to Lafayette, 
the G to Clinton/Washington,
2, 3, 4, 5 to Nevins St.

$3 Donation – plus Food/Drink

Limited Open Mic - one poem (3-minute limit)

Curated by Patricia Carragon email:


Heller Levinson lives in NYC where he studies animal behavior. He has published in over a hundred journals and magazines including Sulfur, Jacket, Hunger, Talisman, First Intensity, Laurel Review, Omega, The Wandering Hermit, Fire (U.K), Tears in the Fence (U.K.), Alligatorzine, The Jivin' Ladybug, Moria, Woodcoin, Mad Hatters Review, etc. His publication, Smelling Mary (Howling Dog Press, 2008), was nominated for both the Pulitzer Prize and the Griffin Prize. Black Widow Press will be publishing his from stone this running in 2010. Additionally, he is the originator of Hinge Theory. Please visit for more information.

Carol Novack is the former recipient of a writer’s award from the Australian government, the author of a poetry chapbook, an erstwhile criminal defense and constitutional lawyer in NYC, and the publisher of Mad Hatters’ Review. She immigrated to a mountain ridge in Asheville in May, and will be launching her collection of fictions, fusions, and poems, “Giraffes in Hiding: The Mythical Memoirs of Carol Novack” (Spuyten Duyvil Press). Works may or will be found in numerous journals, including American Letters & Commentary, Caketrain, Drunken Boat, Exquisite Corpse, Fiction International, Gargoyle, Journal of Experimental Literature, LIT, and Otoliths, and in many anthologies, including “The Penguin Book of Australian Women Poets,” “Diagram III,” and “The & Now Awards: the Best Innovative Writing.” Writings in translations may or will be found in French, Italian, and Romanian journals.

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