Monday, April 19, 2010

SDI Conferences in the C&SEE Countries - last update: 19th April

When, Where, What
Some details, links
22-24 April, Lviv, Ukraine
15th International Conference Geoforum 2010.
27-29 April 2010,  Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The Sixth International Exhibition and Scientific Congress Industrial Forum “GEO-SIBERIA-2009”. Organised by Siberian State Academy of Geodesy and ITE Siberian Fair.

3 May, Bucharest, Romania

The topic will be Interoperability and web services for Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with specific emphasis on hydrology. The workshop will be a one day a hands-on technical session
4 May, Bucharest, Romania
GEOSS Workshop XXXIVb: GEOSS for Decision Makers in the Black Sea area, a workshop of the EnviroGRIDS Project
6-7 May, Bucharest, Romania
Paving the Future. Conference organised by CLGE, APCGC, NACLR and URG.

10-11 May, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
International Land Management Symposium on “Strategies for Improving Urban – Rural Inter-Relationships, Best Practice and Regional Solutions”.
Co-sponsored by FIG Commission 3

11-12 May Prague
European conference Information Systems in Agriculture and
Forestry  ISZL 2010
The conference will take place in a spirit of topic „Knowledge society as a part of rural development. Venue: Campus of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
13-16 May, Nagybánya
Surveying and GIS
Hungarian Tehnical Scientific
Society of Transylvania, the
Geodesy Convention (EMT)., Call received via HUNAGI Member gita Hungary
14-15 May, Dresden
10th Anniversary of GI2010-Symposium Europe of regions
- 10 years saxonian GIS-forum Sustainability of inter-regional collaboration
14-15 May, Alba Iulia, Romania
GeoCAD’2010 Geodesy, Topography, Cadastre and Land Registry. Organised by “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, University of West Hungary and National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registry. Co-sponsored by FIG Commission 2.
17-21 May
Chisinau, Moldova
UN/Moldova/United States of America/European Space Agency Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems
The objectives of the workshop are: (1) to introduce GNSS technology and its applications to transport and communications, aviation, surveying, mapping and Earth science, management of natural resources, the environment and disasters, precision agriculture; (2) to promote greater exchange of actual experiences with specific applications; (3) to encourage greater cooperation in developing partnerships and GNSS networks, in the framework of the regional reference frames: European Positiion Determination System (EUPOS) and the International Association for Geodesy (IAG) Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe (EUREF)
19-21 May, Istanbul, Turkey
″InterGeo-East 2010″  Trade Fair & Conference for Landmanagement, Geoinformation, Building Industry, Environment
10-11 June
Debrecen, Hungary
Conference and Exhibition
Debrecen Univeristy Central Building
Organised by the Geoscience Institute of the Debrecen University
Geographical Science Committee of the Hungarian Academy of
Science and Environmental Sciences Committee of the Debrecen University
12-14 June
ISDE 2010 Digital Earth Summit ″Digital Earth in the Service of Society: Sharing Information, Building Knowledge″

15-20 June
3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS
22-25 June, Krakow
INSPIRE 2010 Conference
23-25 June
GEOSS Workshop XXXVI - has become "INSPIRE in the Global dimension", a track organized on behalf of the EuroGEOSS project for the INSPIRE 2010 conference
4 July, Vienna, Austria
100 Years ISPRS Centenary Celebrations including ISPRS TC VII Symposium “100 Years ISPRS – Advancing Remote Sensing Science“

1-7 July Vienna
ISPRS Centenary Celebration framed by ISPRS Commission VII Symposium & German-Austrian-Swiss Conference for photogrammetry, remote sensing, & spatial information science
5-7 July Vienna
ISPRS Commission VII Symposium ″100 Years ISPRS – Advancing Remote Sensing Science″
6-9 July Salzburg
GI_Forum2010 : Symposium & Exhibit ″Applied Geoinformatics″
8-11. July Budapest
Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2010,
Aug. 14-19, Szombathely
HUNGEO 2010 World Meeting of Hungarian Geoscientists
26-27 August, Berlin, Germany
International Interdisciplinary CODATA Workshop on RISK Models and Applications
Deadline for papers: 12 April 2010.
15-17 September, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures 2010. Co-sponsored by FIG. 

September, Czech Republic
FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting.
21-24 Sept, Graz
2nd United Nations/Austria/ESA Symposium on Small Satellite Programmes for Sustainable Development
This symposium is the second in a series of symposiums to promote the development and use of basic space technology, in particular small satellites, for sustainable socioeconomic development.
23 September, Varna, Bulgaria'
CLGE General Assembly.
24-25 September, Prague
20th United Nations/ International Astronautical Federation Workshop on GNSS Applications for Human Benefit and Development
The workshop will discuss GNSS technologies, applications and services that contribute to sustainable economic and social development programmes, primarily in developing countries, with the following objectives: (a) to increase awareness among decision makers and representatives of the research and academic community about ongoing activities and trends in the use of GNSS technologies, applications and services; (b) to examine GNSS technologies, applications and services available for addressing social and economic issues; (c) to strengthen institutional and human capacity in the area of GNSS technologies, applications and services; and (d) to strengthen international and regional cooperation in the subjects.
28 September, Prague
11th United Nations/International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Workshop on Small Satellites in the Service of Developing Countries
The objectives of the workshop are: to introduce small satellite programmes; to demonstrate the effectiveness and cost-saving of small satellites; and to encourage educational and training activities at universities in developing countries.
11-13 October
ISPRS WG I/4 Workshop on Modeling of Optical Airborne & Space Borne Sensors
14-17 November, Sofia Bulgaria
Joint FIG Commission 3 and Commission Workshop  “Information and Land Management. A Decade after the Millennium” and Commission 3 Annual Meeting.
April (t.b.c)
A max 2-day event in line with the PCC Meeting hosted by NMCA under the EU Presidentship
PROPOSED Joint EUROGI- Eurogeographic Conference on
Cadastre – NSDI - eGovernment  Local support: HUNAGI and local NMCA
13-16 June, Krakow, Poland,
7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology(MMT11) Dr. Charles K Toth
P: +1-614-292-7681 , F: +1-614-292-2957 , E:
12-16 Sept, Prague
XXIIIth International CIPA-HD Symposium
P: +420-2-24354951, F: +420-2-24310774, E:

Last updated by HUNAGI, on April 19, 2010
Contributions are welcomed on continuous basis. 

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