Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thailand to get new series of circulating banknotes
On 27th July, Ms. Chittima Duriyaprapan, Assistant Governor - Banknote Management Group of the Bank of Thailand (BOT) announced that the BOT board has approved issuing of Series 16 banknotes with newer counterfeit protection features. Design for the new 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 Baht notes are awaiting approval from the Royal Household Bureau. This new series of circulating banknotes, expected to come out towards the end of this year, will replace Series 15 which has been in use for the past 12 years.
However, the current series of banknotes will carry a new signature variety starting October till the new series are issued. (BOT gets new governor)
คณะกรรมการธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย (ธปท.) มีมติให้จัดทำธนบัตรรูปแบบใหม่ ภายใต้ชื่อชุดที่ 16 หลังจากที่ธนบัตรปัจจุบันชุดที่ 15 นั้น ใช้มาเป็นเวลา 12 ปีแล้ว จะมีการเปลี่ยนธนบัตรทุกชนิด ตั้งแต่ 20 50 100 500 และ 1,000 บาท รูปแบบที่เปลี่บนแปลงไปจะใช้เทคโนโลยีทันสมัย และมีการใส่สิ่งต่อต้านการปลอมแปลงธนบัตรเพิ่มขึ้นด้วย ขณะนี้รูปแบบของธนบัตรรูปแบบใหม่ อยู่ระหว่างการขออนุญาตจากสำนักพระราชวัง คาดว่าจะเริ่มทยอยนำออกมาใช้ได้หลังวันที่ 5 ธันวาคมนี้ และจะนำออกมาใช้หมุนเวียนในปีต่อไปด้วย
ด้าน นางจิตติมา ดุริยะประพันธ์ ผู้ช่วยผู้ว่าการธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย กล่าวว่า จากการติดตามสถิติของการระบาดธนบัตรปลอม ในช่วงครึ่งแรกของปีนี้ ปรากฏว่าลดลงจากปีที่ผ่านมา 39 เปอร์เซ็นต์ ครึ่งหนึ่งของธนบัตรปลอมนั้นกระจุกตัวอยู่ในภาคกลาง เช่น พัทยา อยุธยา กำแพงเพชร เนื่องจากปริมาณเงินที่หมุนเวียนในภาคกลางมีมากกว่าภาคอื่น ซึ่ง ธปท.ประสานกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ เพื่อขยายผลหาแหล่งผลิตต่อไปแล้ว
Further reading:
BOT Announcement on Channel 7 News (in Thai)
The Nation (English)
The Millimum Plus-10 Gulf Oil Gusher
USA Today 7-28-10, Pg 1: Oil and tourists skip Gulf beaches even though majority of vacation spots declared OK
Roanoke Times, 7-31-10, Pg 5: Focus changing in spill cleanup.
Remember the Millimum Bug? The media “shouted” that our entire modern society including all infrastructures was destined to self-destruct midnight New Years Eve 1999/2000.
But it didn’t! Businesses, industries, utilities and government all worked diligently in 1999 and very few problems occurred. Was a lesson learned?
Fast forward to 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. A mile deep oil well blow-out, killed 12 drilling system workers (not a big issue in the major media) and then the escape of 94 to184 million gallons of raw crude flowed into the Gulf.
So here we are on July 28 (100 days later) and the USA Today states: “the oil spill has NOT fouled the vast majority of the area’s beaches” and vacationers should come-on-down! We haven’t even had tar balls or anything with hundreds of miles of our beaches” said D.T. Minch of Visit St. Petersburg tourism authority. (Earlier media predicted oil would flow into the Atlantic and foul beaches as far north as Myrtle Beach!)
In Mississippi (A as in one) beach was closed for a week in Hancock County, but others have remained open, some with advisories.
Few beach warnings have been issued in Alabama and Florida and none in Texas.
The Roanoke Times Pg 5 story update: A new analysis by the NOAA showed most surface oil in the Gulf had degraded to a thin sheen and beaches in Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida Panhandle will likely not have significant problems.
About 70% of Louisiana waters (the most affected areas) are now open to commercial fishing.
The Gulf oil spill is indeed a major issue. Has it been blown out of context? Have millions of dollars in tourist and vacation revenue been scared away unnecessarily?
Is there a lesson here? As Ron Emanuel, Obama’s Chicago main man, has said “let’s not waste a serious crisis”!
However in this crisis case Obama’s got tar-balls on his hands.
Perhaps having major media “news” 24x7 with an insatiable appetite for ratings will someday become passé. Perhaps the “news” media can trade-down their “anchors” with the fashion looks and miniskirts for news we can believe in.
Perhaps not; Perhaps we get what we tolerate.
John Kerry’s New Not So SwiftBoat
Seattle Times, AP, 7-24-10: Kerry sails $7M yacht into nautical tax haven.
Not found in Roanoke Times – apparently too hard to put a good liberal spin-slant on this one!
There’s a new Swiftboat in New England built and owned by Mass. Dem. Senior Senator John Kerry, the renowned Nam-Swiftboat Vet, almost US President in 2004, married to the fabulously wealthy Teresa Ketchup Heinz and major supporter of Obama’s war against financially successful Americans. Talk about your “sterling silver spoon” credentials!
The good news: John just had a 76-foot, Seven Million Dollar ($7M) sloop sailboat built.
The bad news: instead of building in the US with American workers and businesses he had it built in New Zealand! Don't we have a 10+% unemployment problem here?
The really bad news: John docked the $7,000,000 “Isabel” in Rhode Island to avoid paying $500,000 to his bankrupt home state of Massachusetts and avoiding subsequent $70,000 in annual excise taxes.
Is there any limit to the Hypocrisy of these big name filthy rich Democrats?
Apparently Not!

For the last two Friday's I've been going to Tate Modern where choreographer and dancer Michael Clark is teaching selected members of the general public a dance routine to perform at Tate Modern's Turbine Hall. Last Friday I went as a spectator, but this Friday I joined as a participant with my friends art historian Claire Bishop, curator Catherine Wood and artist Silke Otto-Knap in learning a routine with other 100 improvised amateurs, that we'll hopefully perform there by the end of August!
Press Release
Tate Modern Live: Michael Clark Company
Widely considered as one of the most eminent and groundbreaking choreographers today, Michael Clark and his dance company transform the Turbine Hall into a space for experimentation and practice while they prepare a new work created in response to this monumental space. This unique display of live art provides an extraordinary opportunity for Tate visitors to witness the artistic process behind Clark's choreography.
Michael Clark is also inviting 100 members of the public to join weekly workshops with the company in July and August. The group of 100 untrained dancers will learn a piece of choreography to be performed en-masse over the August Bank Holiday weekend in the Turbine Hall in free public performances.
A programme of films and videos by Charles Atlas is presented in conjunction with Michael Clark Company's Turbine Hall residency.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thailand: WIPO Award Commemorative coins issued

"World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Leader Award to HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej" commemorative coins will be issued on 2nd August. These coins were announced way back in December 2009 and the designs were released in May this year.
Coin details:

Previous posts:
Prácticas y Residencias en la Formación Docente
Las políticas de equidad de género en prospectiva: Nuevos escenarios, actores y articulaciones"
Dra. María Marta García Negroni
9 al 12 de agosto de 2010
(Res. 214/10-CD)
- Enunciación, enunciado y oración. Sentido y significación. Enunciación y polifonía. Análisis polifónico de la negación, de la presuposición y de la ironía. Polifonía y discurso referido.
- La argumentación en la lengua. La teoría de los Topoi. Gradabilidad intrínseca de los predicados lingüísticos. La teoría de los modificadores. Argumentación y léxico.
- Estudio de operadores y conectores argumentativos.
Kula-Revista de Antropología y Ciencias Sociales
Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural de la UNR
Informes - Normas para la presentación de artículos y reseñas:
Curso de Posgrado
- La "invención" moderna de la niñez y su naturalización.
- Hacia la desnaturalización de las concepciones de niñez e infancia.
- Instituciones sociales y condiciones de agenciamiento social de los individuos en contextos culturales diferentes.
- Concepciones de niñez y procesos educativos.
- La noción de niñez "pedagogizada" y su articulación con las políticas sociales.
- Niños y niñas como actores sociales y productores de cultura.
Educadores, Psicólogos, Psicopedagogos, Trabajadores Sociales, Abogados y Médicos
Cierre de Inscripción: 17 de agosto de 2010
Arancel: $ 300 (2 cuotas de $ 150)
Informes e Inscripción:
Facultad de Humanidades
Av. Las Heras 727-Resistencia-Chaco
Tel/Fax: 03722-427470 - 446958 - 422257 - 421864 - Interno 321
Horario: lunes a viernes de 8 a 12 horas y de 16 a 20 horas
II Reunión Nacional de Investigadoras/es en Juventudes de Argentina
La construcción y de la subjetividad moral

El cuidado de los recursos naturales
- Acuífero Guaraní
- Clasificación de las aguas
- Recursos naturales y el ser humano
Aprobado con 24 horas didácticas, por el Ministerio de Cultura y Educación de la Provincia de Misiones, Resolución Nº 019/10, con valoración en Corrientes, según Decreto Nº 1226/86 de la Provincia de Corrientes.
Valoración: 0,25 puntos
Fecha: viernes 30 de julio de 2010
Hora: 18
Lugar: Escuela Especial Nº 19 - Paso de los Libres - Corrientes
- Afiliados a Suteco: $ 30
- No afiliados a Suteco: $ 50
- Estudiantes: $ 35
Incluye material didáctico gratuito
Informes: Fundación Génesis 03752-15325117-5018
Importante: Esta información a sido tomada de los folletos promocionales entregados en las instituciones educativas de la localidad, por los gremios Suteco y Ctera.


Alexander Apostol
Modernidad Tropical
From the nineteen-twenties on, Latin America became a suitable terrain in which to apply the ideal embodied by the Modern Movement. This period is approached in the works of the Venezuelan artist Alexander Apóstol by exploring the remnants of that ideal of modernity from a critical standpoint. Through the texts by the architect Juan Herreros and the art critics and curators Julieta González and Cuauhtémoc Medina, various aspects of his oeuvre are analyzed alongside the context in which it arose. Whether from the perspective of architecture, art history or a political analysis of contemporary Venezuela, each author contributes to a comprehensive study of Alexander Apóstol’s production.
This volume is also the first title in the Art and Architecture AA MUSAC series, intended to provide a horizontal approach to the work of artists and architects whose output suggests a critical perspective on our contemporary world.
Published by ACTAR.
Editor: María Inés Rodríguez.
Series: Arte y Arquitectura AA MUSAC.
Texts: A la modernidad llegamos y de ella escapamos, María Inés Rodríguez; Sobre la fragilidad de algunas ambiciones, Juan Herreros; The Latin Americans…lost in translation, Julieta González; Venezquizoide, Cuauhtémoc Medina.
160 pages. Price: 27 €.
Look inside:
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Illegal-immigrant law Enforcement: Arizona vs. Virginia
Roanoke Times, 7-29-10, Pg 1 & 3: Arizona judge blocks immigration law.
San Diego Union-Tribune, 7-19-10, Pg 4: Virginia’s unprecedented surge in detentions of illegal immigrants.
The Clinton appointed Arizona judge did her liberal duty and hacked away at Arizona’s duplicate copy of the Federal immigration laws that Obama and associates refuse to enforce. So much for state’s rights and the ability of states and communities to act in the best interests of the health and welfare of their citizens when confronted by massive numbers of illegal infiltrators.
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can believe in!
Not found in the Roanoke Times, but published in the San Diego Union-Tribune was a very comprehensive article on Virginia’s unprecedented surge in detentions of illegal immigrants picked up on criminal charges with particular focus on the laws and enforcement in Prince Edward County.
There will be a new 30-acre facility in Farmville in-addition-to the $21 million center in Prince Edward County.
These tax funded facilities are required to manage people who shouldn’t be here in the first place, and would have either been repulsed at the border or been deported if Obama would just enforce the laws he took an oath to enforce.
New News 8-2-10:
In a decision that could lay the groundwork for an Arizona-style immigration policy, Virginia's attorney general said state law enforcement officers are allowed to check the immigration status of anyone "stopped or arrested."
Can't wait for the howls and cries from the Roanoke Times Editors and their Obamanation associates.

I'm up on Smith's Six Word Memoir of the Day for 7/29
France Declares War on al-Qaeda
USA Today, 7-25-10, Pg 6A
Not found in the Roanoke Times – would be totally inconsistent with their declaration that the war is over:
“We are at war with al-Qaeda” Prime Minister Francois Fillon said, a day after President Sarkozy announced the death of hostage Michel Germaneau, a humanitarian worker in Niger.
Are the French jumping to a premature knee-jerk reaction?
Is this a French John Wayne, George Bush, Cowboy thing?
After many Frenchmen have died in embassy and night-club bombings over the last 10 years, including three who died in the WTC 9/11 attack and the French troops that have died on the battle field why this rush to judgment and declaration of war now?
This is very curious and certainly inconsistent with Obama’s strategy of making friends with the Radical Extremist Muslims as so well articulated by his NASA Administrator, Charles Bolden.
Does a "declaration of war" mean that France is actually going to do something?
Certainly puts them in a better position to surrender should things go badly!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yesterday I went to Chichester to see the 'Surreal Friends' exhibition at Pallant House, which presents the work of Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo and Kati Horna - an English painter, a Spanish painter and a Hungarian photographer, who met in Mexico City in 1943 when in exile from the War. While in Mexico the general public has always been aware of Leonora's work as a major surrealist painter and figure, most people in England, where she was born, are not aware of her and her work.
For me, the most interesting work in the exhibition was not one of her surrealist paintings, but the drawing 'A Map from Down Below', which formed part of her short story 'Down Below' from 1943, where she recounts her adventures in Spain "on the other side of the mirror", after escaping France from the advance of the Germans and being institutionalized and diagnosed mentally insane, and before fleeing to Mexico.
The drawing from a 'A Map from Down Below', anticipates and almost looks like a future footprint for the concrete tropical garden her friend and patron, eccentric English visionary Edward James would develop in the jungle of Xilitla in Mexico...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Although the Bobirwa artist is not releasing any album this year, he revealed to Showbiz that his group, Ditawana, "will be going into the studio any time" to release its debut album. Ratshega, whose second smash hit album, Makhirikhiri earned him the Best Traditional Track award at the Botswana Musicians Union (BOMU) awards ceremony last December, said he would only release another album next January.
Shumba said Ditawana is a group that specialises in Dikhwaere music and expects it to make a huge impact in a genre that has been flooded by local artists.
He said the new album is expected out next week. Regarding the success of Makhirikhiri, Shumba said the album had received rave reviews even beyond the country's borders, including South Africa and Zimbabwe. "It is a big album wherever you go. After the festive season we will be releasing another album. In Makhirikhiri, I was greeting Batswana through the song Dumelang Batswana, so we have to continue," Ratshega said. He said that he is still part of the traditional group, Re Tlare Ke Dipitse which sprang to launch what has turned out to be a successful solo career. Ratshega believes that the influx of traditional music artists is down to musicians rushing to the studios with raw copies. He said there is need for artists to thoroughly work on their pieces before releasing their albums. Ratshega said he was confident when he ventured into traditional music and was aware of the tense competition in the genre. "I got in when the competition was tough. It was during the time when Kulenyane (from Culture Spears) was hot and Matsieng was doing its thing. So I knew I had to be up to it," Ratshega said.
He said he knew he had hit the right note when the group had a tough time coming up with the title of the album.
All the songs were hits, said Ratshega. Despite the stiff competition, Ratshega said he was not competing with any artist, but instead wanted to improve on his last offing.
"I want people to know that I am not competing with anyone. I want to produce something better than Makhirikhiri. I am not involved in any fight with any artist," Ratshega said. He spoke against the use of vulgar language, which has become prevalent in the industry as artists use it to gain popularity. Ratshega said he conveys his message in a dignified manner without resorting to vulgar language.
The chubby Ratshega recently released a DVD of Makhirikhiri and said it has been well received.
At the weekend, he performed at the Nico United FC's prize-giving ceremony in Selebi-Phikwe where he belted out tunes from the 10-track Makhirikhiri.
Ratshega showed that he had lost none of his touch and proved that his songs were still popular.

Collography Printing is a new medium for most Tanzanian Artists.
The participating artists are Hendrick Lilanga, Haji Chilonga, Cathibert Semgoja, Prudensiana Mwamalumbili, GanzaShariza, Fidelis Gervas, Flovian Kaija, Gadi Ramadhani, Vita Malulu, Said Kitogo.
Exhibition Hall, FREE!
Open until 13 August